Thursday, May 17, 2012

Paci Fairy

Today I took Aubrey to her 2 year doctor visit for immunizations and a well check.  I know a little late....she turned 2 in February but this year got off to a bit of a rough start and we are just catching up. 

Little Mama is well, a little mama.  At 27 months she weighs 23 pounds is in the 5th percentile for weight, she is 33 1/4 inches tall (that 1/4 is important to us vertically challenged individuals, trust me) and is in the 15th percentile for height.  The doctor said she is healthy and developing perfectly.  Dr. Soha is not worried about her at all.  After the year I have had that was music my ears.  Honestly, Aubrey eats better than any of my kids.  Little Mama can seriously put away the food. 

The appointment was almost over and the doctor asked me if I had any questions or concerns.  I had to mention it.  I knew exactly what Dr. Soha's response would be but I felt if maybe she scolded me a little I would become motivated.  Motivated to do what you ask?  Motivated to get rid of the paci.  "Well, she still is really attached to her paci," I explained.  "I am having a hard time breaking her from it."    "Oh pacifiers can seriously damage children's teeth, palate and jaws, she needs to stop taking it," Dr. Soha replied.  "I know it's just hard," I responded.

It is hard.  I think I am as attached to that thing as she is.  I know it is a sure fire way to get her to be quiet, to go to sleep and it totally soothes her when she is upset. It would be easier to let her keep it.  I actually entertained the thought for a brief moment.  You know she is my fourth kid and I am pretty tired but I know deep down I need to bite the bullet and pull the plug...or paci if you will.

Dr. Soha got on eye level with Aubrey and talked to her about her paci.  She told her she could keep blankie (Thank God. See it could always be worse. Baby steps.) but that she needed to give her paci to the paci fairy so she could take it to the little babies with no teeth who need them.  Aubrey sat there in complete silence studying the doctor's every word.  Not a sound.  The whole time I wondered what she was thinking and feeling.  She didn't cry.   I think it would be like telling someone they have to quit smoking cold turkey.

We walked to the car and Aubrey gets in her seat a announces proudly "No more pacis."  Alright, we can do this,  I thought.

When we got home Caroline (she is only three and is way more responsible than me) got a box and gathered up all Aubrey's pacis first thing.  There are quite a few.  We located them under the couch, between the bed and the wall, in the toy box and in the very well known paci drawer.  I didn't want Aubrey to find one in a few days and backslide.

Aubrey layed down for her nap and bawled.  She cried for her paci over and over.  My heart broke for her.  I went and sat with her and we talked about how hard it is to give up pacis but that we don't want her teeth to be messed up. She never did fall asleep until her daddy held her and she fell asleep briefly on his shoulder.

Wanting to ride this perfect wave we were on I told her that the paci fairy came while she was sleeping and took her pacis and left her some money.  I told her she could use her money to go to Wal Mart and buy whatever she wanted.  " A baby," she replied.  Of course. What else could she want?  We need 1 more to add to our collection of 103 baby dolls.  Okay, maybe that is a slight exaggeration but you get the point.  But I promised.

We went to wally world.  She picked out the perfect baby and yes, I got suckered into a baby carrier as well.  She is extremely happy with her new addition to her collection. 

I guess we will have to see how bed time goes this evening.  Trust me this is a momentous day for me and for my baby girl.  Pray that we both survive.....

I guess if I was going to insert an appropriate Bible verse  here it could be something like "Have no idols before me."  Paci was becoming an idol. Now maybe if we get over this milestone she will inspire her daddy to quit dipping.  We can only hope...

No paci last night but she felt better sleeping with Brynn....

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