Friday, April 18, 2014

Truth Chasing Me Down...

Have you ever had a Bible verse or truth literally chase you down?  This one has been chasing me.  I walked into Kirkland's home store and this picture sat right in front of me on display.  I bought it and hung it in my house where we will all see it frequently.

The fruit of the Spirit.  It's a popular verse that many people are familiar with.

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.  Galatians 5:22-23

I want to exhibit these characteristics regardless of my circumstances or emotions.  Boy is that a feat!  I have also been trying to teach my kids about the fruit of the Spirit.  These traits are absolutely what sets us apart from the world.  When we are kind when someone doesn't deserve it.  When we are patient when we have every right to be mad and impatient.  When we display self control when provoked.

It hit me recently that many people try to "be" those things in life.  Be a better you.  It's not us who can "be" those things.  It's Christ who embodies those traits, always. When Christ lives in us and we let Him lead we will be loving and kind and patient.  It is difficult for us bear fruit apart from Christ.  

In teaching this passage to my girls I so want them to understand it is not through their own might that they will display these fruits.  It's not by being "good."  So many children's books, even Christian books teach just be "good".  Well people, being good just doesn't hack it. We can never be good enough. It is because of Christ  that they will exhibit  these traits.

The other day in the car my girls were being unkind to one another, bickering and fighting.  I recited the fruits of the spirit,  they immediately began  rolling their eyes at me.  "When Jesus is in us and we let him lead we should  display these fruits," I said.  Caroline promptly responded, "He is not in me Mama.  I have not heard Him call me yet.  He's not in my heart yet and I have not been baptized either."  Truth.  The girl hasn't accepted Christ.  Yet.  She is listening for Him to call her and she is aware. I had to laugh. She thought she had every right to be unkind.  She is apart from Jesus.

Anna began telling me about how she hears Jesus.  She told her teacher an untruth last week.  Anna said everyday she was in class, she had a voice inside her head telling her to be truthful with her teacher.  I excitedly said, "You hear Jesus.  I'm thrilled. You have to be still and listen to hear Him." Anna  told the truth.  The truth will set you free! It's a domino effect: listening to Christ, obedience, peace and joy results.

A couple of weeks ago, I became aware that self confidence and self esteem are not once mentioned in the Bible. Earth shattering to me.   The Bible is a guide to life and those are important. Why are they not mentioned?    I have always said, I want to build my kids up so much that the world cannot tear them down.  I want them to think they can do anything.  It hit me.  Confidence and self esteem are not mentioned because they are based on self, self doing, self being.  In my quiet time one morning the Lord spoke to me.  If Christ living in us and we let Him lead we will be joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, faithful. gentle, and have self control.  If we display all these wonderful traits wouldn't we be ultra confident and have awesome self esteem? As Christians, are we supposed to think badly about ourselves? Not at all! The Scriptural position is that we are to focus on God and others, not ourselves (Matt. 22:36-40 Phip. 2:3-8). Any preoccupation with self (either in thinking too highly or too lowly), is an unbiblical response to God’s Word.  Rely totally on Christ and you will have lasting peace, love and true joy despite circumstances. Not to mention we should be confident because God created us and made us perfectly in His image.

Pray. Start praying that you will exhibit a life full of the fruit of the Spirit.  It will grant you genuine freedom. Freedom only comes through a life filled with the Holy Spirit.

We need to get out of ourselves. Simply stated, "It's not about you." Sometimes we get so wrapped up in ourselves that we become the center of our own universe.    It's about Him.  Following Christ breaks the stranglehold of self in our lives as He becomes the center of our universe.  We decrease; He increases.  Joy results.  ---Beth Moore

Happy Good Friday everyone!  Sunday is coming!  Because He lives, I can face tomorrow!