Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Adventures and More.

Wonderful spring break with my family in Kentucky. If you have been on the edge of your seats... I did survive the 12 hour car trip and it really wasn't that bad.  We stopped twice, I fed my kids anything they picked out from the gas station store.  Yes, Caroline did eat, yes, I said eat, not chew, an entire package of Hubba Bubba chewing gum.  Whatever.  She was happy and quiet.  And yes we ate doughnuts for lunch.  My girls were well behaved.  I was one proud Mama.  Proud of how my kiddos stepped up to the plate and proud of myself. Proud because I was not scared to step out and take a risk.

One of my friends asked me the other day how I take four kiddos everywhere.  Seriously, It's either take them or stay home.  The latter is not an option.  I told her I will try anything once.  If it is a complete disaster I chalk it up to an experience and try again in a few months.  Most of the time I surprise myself how things work out and how well my girls do.  Truly, it's all about perspective and keeping composure when things get hairy.  I always have a heart to heart with them before we take off on an "adventure" so they know there is no daddy, no co parenting and that I need their help.  Most of the time they oblige.

Kentucky sweet Kentucky.  Great week of family, friends and KY basketball.  My sisters and I all sported our Kentucky gear and watched the basketball games together.  Dangerous being a Wildcat down here in Gator land;) My kids have Disney World in their back yard but all year they talk about is going to Nana and Pop's to go to Gatti Land.  Gatti Land is essentially Chucky Cheese with a pizza buffet.  We conquered Gatti Land and it was a blast.  The girls and I got to attend Pop's baseball games.  He is the coach of the Russell High School team.  The girls sat in the dug out and we all laughed as Aubs cheered Go Russell Red Devils. Something about going back to  my old Kentucky home that gives me warm fuzzies.

We threw a baby shower for my cousin Deanna.  I loved making all the food and celebrating a new life. (Thank you Pinterest)  It's raining babies in our family.  No babies coming from this uterus.  But excited for all the little ones in my future I get to hold and hand back to their Mamas. My cousin is having the first boy in our family in 56 years.  We don't know what to do with boys...we'll learn.

We have company this week and spent the day basking in the glorious sunshine and watching our kids swim and float.
I love watching my kiddos splash and frolic to their hearts content. Its a win win because they are usually asleep before we leave the parking lot and today was no different. Childhood as it should be. Nothing better then a hard day of swimming, good dinner, bath and bed. Perfect slumber.

Tonight, dinner on the table. Check.  Thirty seconds later Caroline spilled her drink.  Cleaned up the mess and turned around to throw away the paper towel and Caroline fell off her bench and her paper plate went flying into the air coleslaw, chicken sandwich and fries in a heap on my kitchen floor.  Sigh.  I put Aubrey to bed in the pac and play in my bathroom.  She is sharing her bedroom with our company.  I go back to check on her and she had opened the bathroom drawer and smeared lotion all over the vanity on her face hair and blanket.  Sigh.

Mommy will sleep well tonight too.  Thankful to be back safely from our adventures.  Thank you God for my blessings.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Life and Super Nanny

I guess what I have to write about today is life.  Just the stuff that happens on a daily basis that greatly affects the members of our household but probably not others and may not even be that exciting to read about so bear with me.

I wrote last week that Aubrey climbed out of her crib.  I would be lying if I didn't admit that I was so in shock that my little peanut actually made it out of that crib that I couldn't lie down in the floor and cry...because honestly I really felt like it.  You see she is a full time job.  She keeps me hopping from the time she wakes up until she collapses at night.  It was so wonderful to put her in her crib for a nap and know she had to stay there.  I got a reprieve...a break from "the hurricane" as we fondly call her.  Bless her heart.  The day after she climbed out of her crib I thought she may have forgotten that she knew how to do that.  I put her down for a nap like I always do and she came waltzing out 5 minutes later.  She didn't forget. Sigh...  I knew the battle ahead of me and it was just beginning.  I took her back to bed probably 5 times before I threatened "other things."  She was not deterred.  She kept coming back out.  I know I am probably a bad Mommy but I gave up.  Too tired to deal with it and at a loss with my parenting skills, I gave up.  No nap. Aubrey 1 Mama 0.

I sat at the computer reading reviews about crib tents because I just wasn't ready to deal with her getting out of bed 1500 times a day.  After reading the reviews I came to the conclusion I was just going to have to bite the bullet and put her in a toddler bed. 

Afraid that she would kill herself climbing out of the crib I put Caroline on a mattress on the floor and put Aubrey in  Caroline's toddler bed.  I literally got on my knees to ask Jesus to help me with this situation and grant me the patience to prevail.  Aubrey is a strong willed little cookie and the last child and many times she wears me down because I am just too tired.  There I admit it.

The first night Aubrey got out of the toddler bed no less than 10 times.  I channeled my inner Super Nanny (BTW I love that show because it always makes me feel better about my kids behavior and my parenting skills.) I did not talk to her or look at her, I just kept putting her back in her bed.  The 11th time it worked and she hasn't climbed out since.  I think it was a combo of The Super Nanny and some fervent praying. Either way insert song... We are the Champions...no I am the champion.

Something so comforting about knowing a child is safe in a crib and can't escape but I guess that is no more and I just need to get over it.  Ben is planning on putting the other toddler bed together this weekend.  No more cribs.  Wow.  The end of an era.  Seriously.

Aubrey, Brynn and I all have terrible head colds.  We did alot of commiserating on how terrible we feel.  I even kept Brynn home from school one day this week.  We all did alot of couch cozying and TV watching. 

My van was in the shop this week so I was car less.  It forced me to stay home and change out winter to summer clothes.  The most dreaded job EVER.  It takes all day and then I always swear we are all just going down to a few outfits and 1 pair of shoes each.  Until they have a 60% off sale at Belk and then I find myself in the same dilemma the next year.

I took  alot of pictures of the girls this week.  It seemed every time I turned around I was witnessing priceless, precious moments that had to be captured.  My girls really are in a fun stage right now.  I am really enjoying them.

Using cushions as stepping stones

Eating a choclate bunny from Grandma

Brynn helped me cut onions and her eyes were hurting.  I told her to stick her head in the freezer, she opted for her whole body.

Aubrey "cooking" taking everything out of the drawer.  Like I said I'm too tired.

Baby doll playing

Anna studying spelling.  A+ this week!

Play Doh

All girl garage band on the karaoke machine

I am getting ready to drive 12 hours to my Mama's house in Kentucky for spring break with my four girls solo.  Daddy has to work.  I'll let you know how much I enjoy them after that trip.  If I don't survive thanks for reading my blog it's been real.... Who knows they might surprise me.  Let's hope so.  The power of positive thinking.

I bought the water table for Aubrey because she kept climbing in my bathroom sink fully clothed. Well, she climbed in the water table fully clothed....

Monday, March 12, 2012

Trip, Shower and No Kids.

I went on a trip this weekend.  All by myself.  Yep, that's right no kiddos tagged along, no not one.  It was exciting at first.  I hadn't been on an airplane without a child or two or three or four in six years.  It felt extremely strange to board an an airplane sans diaper bag, toys, games and 5000 snacks to prevent inevitable restlessness and boredom.  My sister in law Beth was having a baby shower in Cleveland, Ohio and I went to help and be a part of the celebration.  She will be welcoming twin girls in a couple months....I know a little bit about that;)

I have to admit I felt footloose and fancy free.  I brought a book and my ipod.  What a book? What is a book...oh yeah that thing you read.  I read without interruption.  But honestly, all the freedom got old really fast and I surprised myself.  As much as I crave time and space, when I get it, I just want to be back with my peeps.  My girls and my hubby.

I was so aware of all the children and mothers around me walking through the airport.  I watched one mother who was totally on struggle street.  I just wanted to run up to her give her a hug and say, "It's alright sweet thing."  She was pushing a screaming infant, I mean tiny infant, through the airport and had a two year old holding onto the stroller trying to keep up.  The baby was wailing at the top of it's lungs and everyone was staring including me.  I've been there. Oh yes I have.  She finally got to her gate and I watched her try and fix a bottle, with a crying baby and a two year old hanging on her leg. I had sympathy pains for that woman.  You know the pit in the stomach,  I'm so hot my head is going to explode and I want to climb under a chair and stay there feeling.  I knew she was feeling it.

I also felt compelled to tell the woman and baby sitting behind me that I didn't mind at all sitting by a little one that I had 4 at home.  So many times people have given me the "look." The "oh great I get to sit next to the lady with the kid or kids in my case" look.  Her baby was really good and you better believe I told her.  Encouragement mothers.  We need it. Even from complete strangers.

The shower was beautiful.  Not so long ago that was me.  Anticipating, nesting, preparing for one of the greatest moment in life, the arrival of a baby.  I felt nostalgic and sentimental but content that we are moving onward and upward in our family.  I even passed on my double stroller to my sister in law.  I said my goodbyes to that thing.  It has been my life line the past few years.  We've had good times but now it's time to part ways.  Have fun pushing the mother ship, Beth. It will serve you well.

Insert picture of the mother ship.  Good by 'ole friend.  Sniff. Sniff.

Such sweet times visiting with my in laws, nieces nephews and brother and sister in laws.  We visited The Cleveland Museum of Art, had lunch at a bakery in Little Italy, attended church and celebrated some precious lives getting ready to join Kneisley clan. I even got to meet my newest niece Rachel.  Our extended family is getting bigger everyday!

Megan (my sister in law), Nancy (my sister in law), Beth (my sister in law), me and Karen (my mother in law)

No place like home.  Seriously.  I didn't get back to Jax until midnight and still had to find my car and drive to Fleming Island.  I listened to Good Life on the drive home and felt  happy to be back.  I kissed the sweet cheeks of my sleeping kiddos and slept in my own bed next to by best friend. Blessed and thankful.

Ohh and my husband ...amazing.  I came home to a spotless house and well cared for children.  What more can a girl ask for?  Looking forward to a fabulous week. Ready to pack some lunches and be supermom this morning.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


Life lately has seemed so busy and complex.  I have literally gotten the kids in bed every night this week and wondered if I could make it to the chair in my bedroom.  The chair in my bedroom is where I like to plop at the end of the day and wait to see if bedtime was success or it's going to be a battle.  I sit exhausted with hopefulness that my babies (all 4 of them) are as tired as I am. Tonight, I had to tuck Aubrey in too many times and turned around to find that Caroline was no longer in her bed.  Caroline was finally located in Anna and Brynn's room snuggled all up with Brynnie.  I picked her up and dropped her back into her bed much to her objection.  I swear, most days I probably couldn't make a list of everything I do but the time passes too quickly and I never sit down.  At night I'll be honest I should be reading or doing something productive but if I'm honest (and you know by now I am probably too honest)  I sit and stare at mindless TV shows.  The kind of TV shows that are so dumb I don't have to think to watch them. 2 words....not edifying  I sit there the whole time and wonder, why am I watching this?  Usually much too tired to move.

We have now started soccer.  My twins have soccer practice two nights a week and a game.  Whoa.  It's kicking my butt.  I have to be so organized during the week making sure we can get homework done, spelling words memorized, dinner early enough and everything ready for bed so that all we have to do when we finally get home at 7:45 is take a bath.  I try not to think that only two of my four kiddos are in activities right now.  I foresee the inevitable... crazy, crazy schedules and mom's taxi service in my future.  I am a worrier but not going to worry about that right now...

I don't really like rigid schedules.  That is what I like best about being a stay at home Mama.  We can do whatever we want when we want for the most part.  I guess the soccer thing is stretching me.  Growing me.  I guess.  The girls love it.  Even Aubrey and Caroline adore running around in the grass with their buddies.  They come home filthy, Caroline had so much dirt under her fingernails the other night I had to cut them to get it out.  There is something beautiful about that.  That is what childhood is supposed to be like.  It makes me smile.

Life is strange.  Ebb and flow.  Crazy days followed by relaxing weekends, angry, hard moments, followed by complete happiness,  times my heart is so full I think it will burst.  Motherhood and marriage both wild rides that I wouldn't trade for the world...most days.

I guess when it's all said and done I love the challenge.  The challenge of raising sweet children, knowing that I am their example, motivator, disciplinarian, cheerleader, the person that will always love them...no matter what.

And marriage who would have ever thought when we were dating that we would now have to work really hard to spend time together and choose to love when we don't feel like it and who could have known how beautiful it would really be and how close we could become.  There is nothing like knowing you have partner for life.  In this mess together.

This tired Mama is rambling and needs to go to bed.  Just taking in each crazy, hilarious, life changing moment of this incredible journey we are on.

Ohh and I told you I can't make up half this stuff.  Aubrey just climbed out of her crib for the first time in her two years and came running in here.  Let the fun begin........

Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things, Love never fails.
1 Corinthians 13:7