I wrote last week that Aubrey climbed out of her crib. I would be lying if I didn't admit that I was so in shock that my little peanut actually made it out of that crib that I couldn't lie down in the floor and cry...because honestly I really felt like it. You see she is a full time job. She keeps me hopping from the time she wakes up until she collapses at night. It was so wonderful to put her in her crib for a nap and know she had to stay there. I got a reprieve...a break from "the hurricane" as we fondly call her. Bless her heart. The day after she climbed out of her crib I thought she may have forgotten that she knew how to do that. I put her down for a nap like I always do and she came waltzing out 5 minutes later. She didn't forget. Sigh... I knew the battle ahead of me and it was just beginning. I took her back to bed probably 5 times before I threatened "other things." She was not deterred. She kept coming back out. I know I am probably a bad Mommy but I gave up. Too tired to deal with it and at a loss with my parenting skills, I gave up. No nap. Aubrey 1 Mama 0.
I sat at the computer reading reviews about crib tents because I just wasn't ready to deal with her getting out of bed 1500 times a day. After reading the reviews I came to the conclusion I was just going to have to bite the bullet and put her in a toddler bed.
Afraid that she would kill herself climbing out of the crib I put Caroline on a mattress on the floor and put Aubrey in Caroline's toddler bed. I literally got on my knees to ask Jesus to help me with this situation and grant me the patience to prevail. Aubrey is a strong willed little cookie and the last child and many times she wears me down because I am just too tired. There I admit it.
The first night Aubrey got out of the toddler bed no less than 10 times. I channeled my inner Super Nanny (BTW I love that show because it always makes me feel better about my kids behavior and my parenting skills.) I did not talk to her or look at her, I just kept putting her back in her bed. The 11th time it worked and she hasn't climbed out since. I think it was a combo of The Super Nanny and some fervent praying. Either way insert song... We are the Champions...no I am the champion.
Something so comforting about knowing a child is safe in a crib and can't escape but I guess that is no more and I just need to get over it. Ben is planning on putting the other toddler bed together this weekend. No more cribs. Wow. The end of an era. Seriously.
Aubrey, Brynn and I all have terrible head colds. We did alot of commiserating on how terrible we feel. I even kept Brynn home from school one day this week. We all did alot of couch cozying and TV watching.
My van was in the shop this week so I was car less. It forced me to stay home and change out winter to summer clothes. The most dreaded job EVER. It takes all day and then I always swear we are all just going down to a few outfits and 1 pair of shoes each. Until they have a 60% off sale at Belk and then I find myself in the same dilemma the next year.
I took alot of pictures of the girls this week. It seemed every time I turned around I was witnessing priceless, precious moments that had to be captured. My girls really are in a fun stage right now. I am really enjoying them.
Using cushions as stepping stones |
Eating a choclate bunny from Grandma |
Brynn helped me cut onions and her eyes were hurting. I told her to stick her head in the freezer, she opted for her whole body. |
Aubrey "cooking" taking everything out of the drawer. Like I said I'm too tired. |
Baby doll playing |
Anna studying spelling. A+ this week! |
Play Doh |
All girl garage band on the karaoke machine |
I am getting ready to drive 12 hours to my Mama's house in Kentucky for spring break with my four girls solo. Daddy has to work. I'll let you know how much I enjoy them after that trip. If I don't survive thanks for reading my blog it's been real.... Who knows they might surprise me. Let's hope so. The power of positive thinking.
I bought the water table for Aubrey because she kept climbing in my bathroom sink fully clothed. Well, she climbed in the water table fully clothed.... |
I love your blogs. Typical children! I love every one of them. I can't wait to see you all next weekend. Drive safely and we're excited about seeing all of you. Hopefully we will bring Emma with us and I think Tad is coming, too. Love ya........