Thursday, September 5, 2013


The message that rings in my heart and my head after church this past week is:   this world is temporary.  It was explained, that if you stay in a hotel room for 2 days, there is no way you would take time, fix things up, paint and redecorate just to leave in a couple days.  Our time on Earth is temporary.  Are we eternally minded?

It made me think of all the things I spend time on that don't really amount to a hill of beans. 

I just feel overwhelmingly, this life is about people.  Meeting people's needs.  Encouragement. Showing kindness.  It's about family. Bible study.  Fellowship with friends and praying for people. This life is about being refined to be more like Christ.  This is the cake, the rest is frosting.

When I stand before Christ one day (and I get goosebumps even typing that). I want Him to say, "You were about MY people.  You cared. You possessed a heart for others."  I can't even fathom.  And though I fall way short, that is my prayer. 

Today,  I spent the most precious day with Aubrey and some sweet mamas and their littles. As we talked, it hit me, our kiddos are being molded into the next generation of people who care.   We want them to have a heart for the Lord and to care for others.  Shaping their hearts and minds is no small task and of utmost importance.

We laughed at lunch discussing embarrassing mommy moments, parenting failures and temper tantrums.   This is the hard work.  And though it may not seem like it now, it will pay off in the long run.  God sees our hearts, even when we are in the trenches, digging and digging and digging. Heck, sometimes we are buried.

Before a beautiful rose bush can ever be planted, a hole has to be prepared.  It's hard work digging that hole.  But the bush needs a firm foundation in order to be planted.  It needs care and pruning.  It requires the perfect soil and constant watering.  It may take a while, but one day out  of nowhere we will see that all the hard has work paid off.  There is a beautiful rose in bloom.  The next day there may be another. Sometimes the weather gets harsh and we must cover and protect our plant.  Maybe some of the blooms die off and come back. The God who created rose bushes also created our children.  Children need constant tender loving care. It's worth the time.  He created Moms with hearts as big as Texas with the capacity to love like nobody else in this world.  We love through trials and hardship. Mothers are perfect for the task God has put before them. But we must rely on Him for guidance. 

 This world is just a holding place. Spend time on things that matter. Our time here is just the preview before the movie.  The best movie anyone could ever imagine.  Don't get caught up in the preview.  What hope this gives me.

So, while you are here, be an example and love people. Care about others. Meet needs. Offer a helping hand.  Most of the time it will be a sacrifice on your part...  do it anyway.  Train your children to do the same, to be Christ to this lost and lonely world.

Sweet mothers.  Keep it up. A great mother knows sacrifice.  However, there is not a more important person to shepherd than that little one standing at your feet, looking up to you, to point the way.   Are you looking up to get direction from Jesus?  The only way. 

 So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. 2 Corinthians 4:18.