Friday, November 4, 2011


I have already started praying for Anna, Brynn, Caroline and Aubrey's husbands.  My mother prayed for my husband.  It has hit me recently how important a life partner is.  Someone who will walk beside you in the journey of life.  Someone who compliments your personality traits, will be there when the tough gets going (and it will), and someone who is committed and who possesses a heart for the Lord.

Often, I am so disheartened by children these days.  I watch how parents are raising their children and think are there going to be any nice young men left out there when it's time for my girls to get married?  Am I raising my daughters to be good mother's and wives?

Ben is the perfect mate for me.  In no way does that mean we have the perfect marriage we don't.  Truthfully, if we both didn't love Jesus one of us probably would have been gone a long time ago.  Marriage is tough. 

We were taking a walk yesterday with our daughters.  Anna and Caroline were riding in their red motorized race car and Brynn and Aubrey were riding in their Barbie Jeep.    Ben and I were walking behind, holding hands watching our 4 crazy daughters race down the road.  Ben says to me, "This is more like it." "This is what I pictured when I envisioned taking a walk with my family."  We both laughed.  It has been and continues to be a crazy ride.  No way I could do it by myself. Ben always says if we didn't have four kids we'd be bored.  Ummm...not so sure I am sold on that statement but lucky me that the feels that way.

It hit me at that very moment that through all the good and the bad that God bestowed unto me the perfect mate.  Someone who isn't scared to death of having four kids and who not only tolerates but embraces life with our four daughters.  Ben wants to be present and a part of their everyday lives.  It is so fulfilling to have a husband who cares about being present for soccer games, wants to help with homework and plain 'ole likes hanging out with his family.

Most of all, I have been struck lately that Jesus gave me the perfect mate because he gave me someone who shares my heart for adoption.  Actually, to be honest, Ben was probably the leader in our adoption crusade.  God knew I would need that in my life.

It seems that many of the things we love about our spouse in the courting relationship become things we don't appreciate so much after the wedding bells, thus marriages fall apart.  And believe me, I know from personal experience, that each person brings baggage from their own upbringings to marriage that have to be sorted out.  Ben and I have had our share of hard times, but I love him and he loves me.

So lately, I am on my knees thanking the good Lord  above for my hubby and praying for the best partners to journey through life with my sweeties.  They will need them.


  1. How sweet, Shannie. I love this. Love, Jenny

  2. Thank you for the example you and Ben are to me and Aaron! This post had me tearing up a bit!
