Sunday, October 23, 2011


My friend just recently went on an vacation without her children.  She mentioned how tough it was preparing to leave.  She said she had so many  loose ends to tie up so that her kids would be well cared for while she was gone.  She mentioned it was hard to write everything on paper that needed to happen in her household while she was gone.  We concluded that essentially the mother thinks for each member of the family.

It is the absolute truth.  I think for every member of my family!  Why has this never occured to me before?  Maybe that is why being a mother can be so overwhelming at times.  As a mother, I keep track of who needs their shots, whose winter clothes don't fit, who needs new soccer shoes, who has to take cupcakes to her class party on Tuesday, who doesn't like condiments on her sandwich, who's medication needs refilled and who has a spelling test this week.  The list is endless.  Alot of the knowledge that swirls around in my head everyday is intricate stuff I know about each child's likes and dislikes but also stuff that keep our lives organized.

If something would happen to me tomorrow, I'm sure everyone would survive.   But would Ben know that Aubrey likes to lay on top of her blanket, have a sippy cup of water and needs her lullaby music on before bed so she won't cry.  Does he know that her blue shoes give her blisters if she doesn't wear socks and that when she is done eating that she will throw her bowl if he doens't take it from her?  Would he know that Brynn doesn't like cheese on anything, she likes the crust cut off her bread and I have to check on her 50 times during bath time because she never gets the job done otherwise.  Would he know that Caroline hates jeans and only likes to wear leggings, that she never eats much breakfast in the morning so is always hungry around 10am. Anna likes one specific pillow case, wets her hair as soon as she wakes up or she freaks out and would rather be dead than wear a dress? Does he know that if I don't remind her, she will have toothpaste all over her shirt and half of the bathroom?  It's difficult to tell people how to do things in my house because of all the little details that only I know as their mother.  I know, I know, I'm sure I have critics out there that say,  "you don't have to do all that stuff." You're right, I don't,  I want to.  Since I can, why wouldn't I want to make my children's lives as wonderful as possible?

Not to mention, the stuff I know and do for my husband that makes him feel loved and cared for as well.  Nothing makes Ben feel more loved than a clean house and a home cooked meal.  So, whenever possible I try to oblige.

I did have to get rid of my dogs...they were pushing me over the edge...

With four kiddos someone always needs new shoes, something for school, or has an activity to attend.  I pray daily that I can keep everything straight.  My neighbor told me the other day that her friend said to her, "Did you know that Shannon has two babies in addition to her twins? That's crazy. I pray for her all the time!"  That made me laugh.  I hope she really does pray for me all the time because I need it.  I only do my job well with lots of prayers and God's help.

So days that seem long, yet I feel like nothing has been accomplished...NONSENSE... everyday I think for 6 people! No wonder my brain is so tired at night.
Mom's, many people can't even think for themselves let alone 4, 5 or 6 people and especially do it with as much love and grace as we do!  So bravo!

 It makes me realize why it is always so hard for me to write a note for the babysitter!

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