Friday, October 7, 2011


After my girls left for school today I felt a little unappreciated....  kinda like a maid servant.  You see, on Friday my girls are tired and not so eager to jump out of bed and go to school.  So who do you think takes the brunt of their displeasure?...yes you're right, me. 

However, I used to feel mistreated... but in a way I know it is because my girls know I have unconditional love for them and they can be ugly at times and I will still be here with open arms.

As I was pondering my job as a stay at home mom, which I do often, I was thinking about the legacy I will leave my girls.  My Papa just passed away last week and we talked alot about his legacy. He really had an impact on me and for that I am eternally grateful.

At my Papa's visitation I saw many people I had not seen in years. Most of them asked me what I did. My response was, "I have 4 kids," but as soon as the words left my mouth I instantly felt a pang go through my body. I wish I could have said something brilliant.

I thought alot about my feelings and concluded a mother is the primary teacher of the next generation there is no more important job.

God will honor a mother's love by blessing her and blessing her children.  A mother teaches by communicating her values and priorities and by being a model that her children can pattern themselves after. 
She models to her daughter the significant impact of her role as a wife and mother.  She models to her son the kind of woman he should marry.  She also teaches to her son how to honor and appreciate a woman's responsibility of being a wife and a mom.

I would like to thank my mother because I could not have had a better teacher.

In my opinion being a mother requires God's power to love and nurture.  Especially, on Friday mornings when children are mad at the world!

So when I am feeling trod upon I need to remember I am irreplaceable in the family.  Motherhood is a high and holy calling!

What kind of legacy will we, as mothers, leave?

I love this song:

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