Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Lessons from 4

Let's face it most people don't have four children these days.  I am the first one to admit I never thought in a million years I would be the mother of four.  But wow, what I have learned from parenting that many kiddos...  some truly valuable lessons.

Before I start please know that no matter how many children you have you will grow in faith, patience, character, but most of all delight.

This picture makes me laugh out loud now.  It was right after the birth of my fourth child. Everything seems picture perfect but I thought my life was over and I felt like I had been hit by a mac truck.  Thank goodness for sunglasses.

Here goes:

You really don't need all the baby gear it just takes up too much space in your house.

A ginormous diaper bag, with everything but the kitchen sink in it is not necessary. Your child really will last through an hour of church without, diaper cream, a sippy cup, cheerios, a paci, and blanket yadda yadda yadda...   Do send diapers and wipes...

You can try and be the perfect parent and you will still make mistakes.  All kiddos are different and  what worked great for one may totally blow up in your face with the others.

Love does not divide it multiplies.

The five second rule applies to all food that has fallen on the floor.  It's really okay, it strengthens their immune system.

Your kid will not die if she takes a paci or bottle or breastfeeds past the age of 1.

Parenting 3 kids prior doesn't make one a fabulous mother. But it makes one a wiser one.

Kids will  throw temper tantrums and say embarrassing things it's not always a reflection of your parenting..

You really need to pick your battles. Some things just aren't worth fighting about.

Tell your kids about Jesus early in life.  They understand more than you give them credit for.

You can never spend too much time rocking, or kissing or holding or reading.  Do it even when you don't feel like it.

Baby books are great but not the gospel.  Read different opinions and come up with a perfect solution on your own.  You know your child best.

DVD players in the car really are a gift from God. I'm not ashamed.

Some days you will feel bi polar.  One minute your want to kill a your children and within 30 seconds your heart will overflow with love for them.  Don't panic this is normal.

Play music in your child's room from the minute they come home from the hospital.  It helps them get to sleep and stay asleep.

A sibling or siblings is one of the greatest gift you can give your child.

Children need to be able to express opinions.  They must be taught to do it respectfully.

Time passes too quickly. Take time to smell the roses.

 Don't have kids in so many activities that all you do is run from one thing to the next.  It ends up not being enjoyable for anyone.

You will have to google your child's homework.  Sometimes even in 2nd grade.

Talk to your kids but more importantly take time to listen.

Sleep is overrated.  You can sleep when your dead.

Chicken nuggets are a food group.

You should not be rated on how good of a mother you are by how early your baby sleeps through the night.  People who ask you that  question when you have a newborn should be shot.

People who designed aisles in a department stores and shopping malls clearly never had kids or pushed a stroller.

You can't pray enough for your kids.  Cover them in prayer everyday, especially before they go to school.

Children need love the most when they deserve it the least.

Take family pictures often, hang them on your walls.  You won't regret it.

Chill out.  You want to live to meet your grandkids.

This is just for starters.  I may have to write a Lessons From 4 Part 2.

I couldn't have dreamed up the life that I am living as I type these words.  Each child and passing year has made me stronger, wiser and more dependent on God.  I wouldn't change a single minute.


  1. Great post, Shannon! I had to "Amen" all that!

  2. I second the line on grandchildren! The new joy of my life and so much pleasure seeing my daughter deal with her daughter who gives her the same grief she used to give us, Ha Ha!

  3. Great job Shannon and all is so very true! I'm so proud of you and the great job you do as a mother and wife! Keep it up! Love ya!
