Wednesday, April 18, 2012


God takes care of me.  Truly.  I live so close to my kids elementary school we can walk. It is literally across the street.  God really is in the details. It is the little things like a blessing such as this that I often take for granted.

Today the babies and I walked from our house to take the Anna and Brynn to school.  The babies did not have on  shoes and they were sportin some fabulous polyester princess night gowns.  Stay Classy Fleming Island. 

Aubrey is in a baby doll phase.  She talks about and totes around babies all day long. I'm quite sure she is the next Michelle Duggar.  This morning was no different and she could not possibly be talked out of carrying two of her ten baby dolls across the path to walk Anna and Brynn to school.  Pick your battles right?  So, I let her but told her she would have to carry them.

Aubrey followed along with us lagging about 5 steps behind as she struggled to carry her two baby dolls which are about a big as her.  I've been there in real life.... I sympathize with ya sister.

As soon as Aubrey walks back into our house after we had taken the girls to school she steps in the door and  tosses her babies on the kitchen floor and yells,  "Done."  Hysterical.

How often as mothers do we want to throw up our hands and scream "Done."  But we can't.

Aubrey went to the YMCA yesterday with her hair stuck to her face either from snot or some food substance, not sure which. I just know two things, I wanted to work out and if I didn't go right then before Anna and Brynn's  soccer practice I wouldn't get to and I was entirely too tired to brush her hair and unstick it from the substance on her face. Oh well. So off we went. I redeemed myself today.  She had a bath last night before bed and I made sure that the first thing I did this morning was put her hair up so there would be no chance of it getting stuck to her face.  I must say, when I just had Anna and Brynn I would have never let them leave the house like that.  I use to bathe them everyday before school because they wore pull ups and I was afraid they smelled like pee.  Needless to say those days are gone and we are in survival mode. 

I guess God knew that having four children would help me with pride.

I use to pray everyday when I was a child that my cabbage patch kid would come to life.  It kinda of did 30 years later times 4. See, God really does answer prayers, just in His time and in His way.  No putting them in the drawer when I'm tired of playing with them now.

Pretty sure I was done last night when I fell asleep in my workout clothes sans shower.

Put a fork in me I'm done oh and by the way wouldn't trade any of it.

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