Sunday, April 8, 2012

Egg Heads

Well, it's Easter 2012.  I looked for little plastic eggs much too early, ate candy for breakfast and tried not to need blood pressure medicine while getting myself and 4 girls ready for church.  Actually it has been a fabulous day to celebrate our Risen Lord. 

Jesus did what He said He would do.  He died on the cross and rose three days later. One day every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord.  Oh the anticipation. Just call me preacher...

My day started too early with little whispers of 7 year olds by my bed.  Almost inaudibly Brynn says to Anna, "Go get the babies up, then they can wake mom and dad up."  Smart girl.  I would have told them to go back to bed and wait for the babies to wake up.  If you think I am waking a slumbering 2 and 3 year old you've got something else coming.  But I let the twins wake them up because after all it's Easter... right?  And I was in awe of the ingenuity, frankly.

So bright and early we were acting surprised at all the crazy places Peter Cotton Tail left all the eggs or in this case Mrs. Cotton Tail.

Baskets included new water bottles and some jammies and too much candy.  I went to Wal Mart hungry, and by myself, big mistake.

I am including these pictures of our Easter morning before church even though most of them should be in a horror magazine.  They are pretty scary.  Egg heads.  Crazy when you take so many pictures and they are all pretty much awful.  Love the bed head and sugar high faces.....

I don't usually put on two pairs of jammies...just trying on the new ones over the old ones... In case you were wondering.

After our candy high wore off a bit we proceeded to get ready for church.  Honestly, no matter how prepared I am...and I have to admit I am pretty good now, I feel stressed and rushed every Sunday.  Daddy made the good call of fixing every ones hair and letting them run around in their panties until right before we left.  That turned out to be a good call because inevitably Brynn gave Aubrey a red marker...temporary moment of insanity, and she wrote all over her arm and hands.  Luckily she didn't have her Easter dress on...that would have pushed Mommy over the edge.  I tried getting it off with wet wipes, soap and water and nail polish remover   No dice so I just chalked it up to enhanced beauty.

Before church photo shoot:

We got to church early...yes I said early and Ben was with's a Christmas miracle...I mean Easter miracle.  Everyone that knows me, knows, that as much as I love my hubby he is slower than molasses and it tends to lead to marital discord at times... No marital discord this morning he was early...I just needed to hear that again.  Seriously.

We finished our celebration with lunch at Mojo's.  Chicken nachos anyone?  Yum! Nothing says Easter like chicken nachos... okay maybe not, but they sure were good.  We left the restaurant and Ben says to me, "We're getting there, that wasn't too bad."  Eating out is always a gamble but sometimes much worth the risk.

I realized this week I have some work to do with my kiddos in the scripture department.  They are starting to get the Easter Bunny story and Jesus rising from the dead all entangled.  Some homework for the summer.

Loved looking at all the Easter Family pics on Facebook today.  Spring has sprung and Jesus is alive what a great day.

And if you need me this week I will be hiding in my walk in closet eating the kids Easter candy.  Feel free to join me...I might share. 

1 comment:

  1. what a beautiful family you have I love ready your blogs they inspire me so much even though my kiddos are grown now working on the grands. God bless your family
