Sunday, April 3, 2011

Adoption: A match made in Heaven.

"Not flesh of my flesh, Nor bone of my bone But still miraculously my own. Never forget for a single minute,You didn't grow under my heart - but in it"

Growing up adoption never crossed my mind.  I didn't ever really think about it.  When I met my husband Ben he told me he had always wanted to adopt at least one child.  His sister Beth is adopted.  Again, I thought ok.....  I'm not against it but why?

Life went on.  Ben and I decided it was time to start a family.  We tried and tried.  Nothing.  I never anticipated this for myself.  Why was this happening to us?  Finally, shortly after Christmas we got the news we had waited for.  We were pregnant!  I was in disbelief.  Ben and I immediately shared the news with our families.  The baby was to be born Sept 5th.

Then the horror.  A couple days later I had unimaginable pain in my abdomen.  I suffered an ectopic pregnancy and lost my left fallopian tube and the baby.

The next few years were filled with disappointment after disappointment, going through failed fertility treatments.   The doctors finally diagnosed us with unexplained infertility.  Why me God?  I believe Your will is perfect... but why me?  I look back now and why not me?

God was shaping me,  preparing my heart for the incredible journey He had planned for me.  A "different journey" to motherhood....the journey of adoption.  I had no idea the faith it would require.

After much research we decided to pursue an adoption from Russia.  The paperwork necessary to complete and international adoption would blow your mind.  We finally turned in our completed paperwork and then the wait began. 

It was crazy.  We were prepared to wait months even years and within 2 weeks of turning in our paperwork we were traveling to Russia to meet our twin daughters Anna and Brynn. 

"If we had it to do over again adoption is what we'd choose. We got more than we hoped for the day we adopted you."

The journey was similar to pregnancy in that I anticipated, I worried, I nested, I had baby showers, I got the nursery ready.  I did not carry these children in my womb but they could not be more mine.  They were always in my heart and the minute I saw them I had an overwhelming peace that we had listened to God and this was His perfect plan.

I felt a "wink" from God when I realized that the day we picked up Anna and Brynn from a Russian orphanage was Sept. 5th,  the exact due date of the first baby we lost.  I know adoption isn't for everyone but it changed my life.

Christ has adopted each one of us who are Christians as His children. Are we not to do the same?

I laugh now as I look back. Since Anna and Brynn,  we have had 2 biological "miracle" babies that we were told we would never have.  I am the mother of 4 beautiful daughters. We have gone from no children to four children in 4 years.

I no longer sit and cry in the floor because I don't have children, sometimes I cry because I have so many;) lol!


  1. Adoption changes so many lives, and I have had so many blessings come about from being adopted. I have a wonderful family, people I love, and many opportunities. I have connected with my biological family, and though I love them, I would never change anything about my adoption. I love having a special connections to all my twin nieces and nephew. We are all God's children.

  2. thx for posting this, shannon. i didn't know this part of your family's story! what a beautiful gift you guys received in ALL of your girls. & what incredible parents you & ben are. love to you guys!

  3. Love this! I have the same quote on my fridge! I am in total agreement! God's purposes are so beautiful. I love that He knows better than we do... and I really love how we cares about the details :>)))
    oh..and I have to admit I chuckle whenever I see you guys out :>) (like at chilis the other night) hope to get together soon!

  4. Such a beautiful post, Shannon. I am thankful that I had the privilege of having Brynn in my class. She taught me as much or more than I probably taught her. :)

  5. Hi Shannon,

    I don't know if you remember me, but you and I went to AIS together about a half a century ago:)
    I've been in touch with Stacy through FB, and when she linked this post this morning, I just knew it was a sign from God. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant for almost two years now, and without getting into the details, we can't get pregnant. We've been thinking about adoption, but just aren't sure if it's the road God wants us to take. Reading your story, and realizing that the girls, whose pictures on Stacy's page always made me wish for two girls that looked like me the way your (I assumed biological) daughters looked like you. To find out they are adopted is like a really big wink (to use your terms) from the Man Himself.

    Thanks for sharing this...really, thank you.


  6. Shannon,

    what a beautiful post and story. your words are so touching and I love the end. have always enjoyed praying for you guys and staying updated on the kneisley klan via stace


  7. You are blogging!!! YAY! Happy to connect with you here. Your story and your girls are beautiful.
