My twins 9th birthday is approaching. I just sent out birthday invitations yesterday for their first slumber party. May God be with me. Prayers appreciated! Nine years old. How did that happen so quickly? That is literally half of the time that they will most likely live under my roof---gone. Poof. The parents that have 25 year olds living in their basement just laughed at my last sentence. Oh well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.
I feel panicky at times about what my daughters are learning and who they are turning out to be. I know that God has this. He is in charge. However, will I be able to stand in front of Him one day and be proud of the job I did as a parent? Do I always give Jesus the glory for their lives and for their successes? That is my prayer. I am humbled at the 4 lives God has entrusted to my care. Parenting is not easy, especially if it is done right. But it's so important and time is fleeting. So while I am blessed to hear the pitter patter of little feet on my floors, I am giving it all I got! I am taking every opportunity to mold and shape and teach.
Here is a little tid bit God is testifying to my soul. I will be obedient and share...if you are out there running around like a mad woman to every sporting event and ballet class and you never sit down for a family dinner. Stop it. The dinner table is where many meaningful conversations about life, friends and how every ones day was happen.Try and carve out time to make family dinner a priority. It is vital. Ok. Glad I got that off my chest.
I wrote a blog a few years ago called Have I Told You? This is Part 2
For my precious daughters...
Do not wait to live life. Do it now. Take hold of your days. Ask God to guide you.
All great achievements take time and perseverance. I hope that you will always believe in yourself that you can achieve great things. When you get there, I hope you stay humble. Your gifts and abilities are from above. Give God all the glory.
Don't put God in a box. Dare to step out on faith. Some of my greatest life blessings have come by me stepping out in faith. He is God of the impossible. Believe it.
Mistakes are okay in life. But learn from them. Do not constantly fall in the same hole over and over. Our God is the God of second chances. He forgives us. Forgive yourself.
When there are problems with various people in your life. Take time to reflect and see if the common denominator is YOU. Be willing to examine yourself and your ways and seek forgiveness and reconciliation.
May you see sunshine where others see shadows and opportunities where others see obstacles.
May you find happiness in what you have. All blessings come from above. Do not always be striving for what you do not have. Learn to live a life of contentment, it will bring you peace.
Align your priorities in life with things that are close to God's heart. Does your life bless him?
When your life is falling apart. And it will feel like it at times, sweet ones. Turn to your faith, family and friends to be the glue that holds it together.
Always look for the sparkle that is hidden in the dreariest of days. It's there. And when you can't seem to snap out of a funk, go serve someone. God created us to serve. Taking care of a persons need will enable you to get over yourself. Hopefully. If not come see me. I will help you;)
When you start to worry give it to God. He does not want us pacing floors wringing our hands. He has scripted our lives and if you a walking through something difficult it is part of His plan.
Pray on your knees.
God cannot fill you up with His precious spirit if you do not get rid of the junk in your heart. Start your day by confessing your shortcoming and fears and doubts. This will make room for His Holy Spirit to work through you.
It is not being the best person you can be. It is God shining through you and letting him lead in every facet of your life. Let Him take control your responses, decisions and thoughts. Take yourself off of the throne of your heart and place HIM in His rightful place.
Learn manners and table etiquette so that you can be comfortable in any situation.
Don't allow what you can't do interfere with what you can do. I want to fill you with confidence while you are under my roof so that the world cannot tear you down.
Live life with a thankful heart. Give thanks even for little things like sunny days and close parking spaces. This will train your heart and mind to find things to be thankful for despite circumstances.
Find out what your spiritual gifts are and use them.
Take time for people even if you have no time. God will honor your efforts and things somehow seem to get done when you put people first.
When you know you are right do not compromise. But when you are wrong be the first one to apologize. Do not be prideful. Pride will plague your life.
I want you to always feel free to be you. You are God's perfect creation. Being yourself will bring you peace. Living a life that is a facade is exhausting. I love each and every one of your unique personalities.
Love deeply. Follow God's greatest commandment. Be willing to be vulnerable without always fearing rejection.
Your reputation and integrity are important. They must be earned back once they are damaged. Guard them.
If you are constantly making excuses for yourself or a person close to you. There is usually a problem that needs to be addressed. Do not be in denial. Address the problem.You will be glad you did.
Do not underestimate the power of music. Continue our dance parties when you are older. Sing in a hairbrush in the mirror. Music lights up the soul.
Have the fortitude and faith to hang on to what is important even when others let go.
When you are weary and troubled, Be still and know He is God. "The Lord is your shepherd." He will lead you by still waters. God won't always take you out of difficult situations but He will lead you through them.
When you pray and ask of God always begin by stating you want His will. Even if His will is not your will in the end you will be happier. His plan is always better.
I must go for now. I hear rustling in the pantry in the kitchen. May I savor every moment that I wake up to four little girls around my table. And may I slow down and take the time to tell you while I have the chance.
Love, Mama
My stories, thoughts, opinions and experiences. Journaling the childhoods of my daughters.
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Thursday, May 2, 2013
Freedom and French Fries
I'm learning a lot lately. So much about God and myself. They are lessons I feel I have to share. My hopes are that these lessons might prevent people from going down some of the hard paths I have traveled. I write this blog mainly for my girls. I want them to read about details of their childhood and know my thoughts about important issues in their lives. I really want them to know and believe what I am about to write today. It's so important.
I wish I would have learned this about 20 years ago. It is so simple. Yet when I heard it, it was profound and made so much sense.
So here I am again, sharing something with you that I hope you will take to heart. Especially my darling daughters.
Women worry so much about weight and appearance. Me included. We (I) (Really I am writing this to myself) do not look at ourselves the way Christ does. We need to look at our bodies as the temple of the Lord and take care of them accordingly. We need to be healthy, not skinny.
The goal for women is to be free. At what weight are we free in Christ? If you have to watch every morsel that goes into your mouth and exercise all the time to be a certain size then you are not free.
On the flip side, if you are not watching what you eat and not exercising at all you are not free either. You are not taking care of your God given temple.
God does not want us constantly be obsessing about our bodies or food or exercise. That makes them idols. It keeps us in bondage.
As Beth Moore put it, "Exercise but then get on with your day."
This is coming from me. I. Am. A. Foodie. Self proclaimed. I hide in my closet and eat chocolate just so I don't have to share one tiny little bite. I like nothing better than McDonald's french fries and a sweet tea and that is okay. In moderation. I believe God wants us to enjoy french fries.
Also, call me inconsistent. I am either running marathons or not working out at all. A little balance maybe?
I have been a size 2 and I have been a size... well let's just say much bigger. But I have to ask myself at what size can I feel at peace? Probably somewhere in the middle. Consider your height and weight. What is your weight of freedom? There is nothing more satisfying than being free in Christ Jesus and accepting yourself as His glorious creation.
My prayer is that as women we can learn to be content with our weight and find the realistic size that enables us to be free in Christ. I believe if we are being honest with ourselves, ladies, we know what that size or weight is. Don't go by what the world says.
To my daughters, please learn this concept of freedom. Don't just make it head knowledge. Pray about it until you believe it with everything in you. Deep in your soul. Learn it early in life and live it. Please. I am trying. Too bad I just learned it at 36. I struggle and I am praying about it daily. I vow to pray for all four of you in this area as you become women.
Yes, I am literally regurgitating my Bible studies but I can't help it. Bear with me.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. 1 Corinthians 6:19
My girls ran their first 5K with me in December. Anna left me in her dust. This mama is trying really hard to practice what I preach and not just say it is important to be healthy but to model it. I have to admit I am convicted that I preach healthy but my head says skinny...working on it.
I wish I would have learned this about 20 years ago. It is so simple. Yet when I heard it, it was profound and made so much sense.
So here I am again, sharing something with you that I hope you will take to heart. Especially my darling daughters.
Women worry so much about weight and appearance. Me included. We (I) (Really I am writing this to myself) do not look at ourselves the way Christ does. We need to look at our bodies as the temple of the Lord and take care of them accordingly. We need to be healthy, not skinny.
The goal for women is to be free. At what weight are we free in Christ? If you have to watch every morsel that goes into your mouth and exercise all the time to be a certain size then you are not free.
On the flip side, if you are not watching what you eat and not exercising at all you are not free either. You are not taking care of your God given temple.
God does not want us constantly be obsessing about our bodies or food or exercise. That makes them idols. It keeps us in bondage.
As Beth Moore put it, "Exercise but then get on with your day."
This is coming from me. I. Am. A. Foodie. Self proclaimed. I hide in my closet and eat chocolate just so I don't have to share one tiny little bite. I like nothing better than McDonald's french fries and a sweet tea and that is okay. In moderation. I believe God wants us to enjoy french fries.
Also, call me inconsistent. I am either running marathons or not working out at all. A little balance maybe?
I have been a size 2 and I have been a size... well let's just say much bigger. But I have to ask myself at what size can I feel at peace? Probably somewhere in the middle. Consider your height and weight. What is your weight of freedom? There is nothing more satisfying than being free in Christ Jesus and accepting yourself as His glorious creation.
My prayer is that as women we can learn to be content with our weight and find the realistic size that enables us to be free in Christ. I believe if we are being honest with ourselves, ladies, we know what that size or weight is. Don't go by what the world says.
To my daughters, please learn this concept of freedom. Don't just make it head knowledge. Pray about it until you believe it with everything in you. Deep in your soul. Learn it early in life and live it. Please. I am trying. Too bad I just learned it at 36. I struggle and I am praying about it daily. I vow to pray for all four of you in this area as you become women.
Yes, I am literally regurgitating my Bible studies but I can't help it. Bear with me.
Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own. 1 Corinthians 6:19
My girls ran their first 5K with me in December. Anna left me in her dust. This mama is trying really hard to practice what I preach and not just say it is important to be healthy but to model it. I have to admit I am convicted that I preach healthy but my head says skinny...working on it.
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