Sunday, December 4, 2011


About two years ago my girls started having strong opinions about fashion.  Much to my dismay all the sudden Anna and Brynn didn't approve of the clothes I picked out.  They would get so emotional when I would make them wear something they didn't like.  Mornings became a battle.

You see I am vain.  I really care that my girls leave the house looking put together.  Don't get me wrong, I foremost want them to be nice, smart and love Jesus.  But I do care about their appearance and feel it is a reflection on me.  

I have always admired mothers who could just let their kids pick out anything and wear it.  That's what my mom did.  Her motto was if I thought I was beautiful, that is all that mattered.

I want to be that mom...but then again did I mention I'm vain?

We have come to some compromises in the Kneisley house.  Anna and Brynn can pick out the outfit, but it has to match and be weather and event appropriate.

I figure I just need to teach them.  Teach them to be little fashionistas. As their mother, I want to embrace their style and individuality.  I feel this is especially important when raising twins.

I do have one confession.  I figure that as long as I still buy the clothes I can stack the deck...or drawers if you will.  Stack them with clothes that I like.  I purged all the drawers of stuff that made me cringe when I saw them put it on.  And I have given  up on the hair bows. I love hair bows. There is nothing cuter than a little girl with a giant bow on the top of her head.  Must be the southern girl in me.  My girls oblige me sometimes.  Most days they wear them until they get to school and then take them out.  They always tell me when I pick them up that the hair bow  is in their pocket because it fell out.  Yeah right... it fell out .  Oh well.  Can't win 'em all.

Yesterday Anna and Brynn both came out in these incredible outfits that they picked out themselves.  They have blossomed into little fashionistas.  It just made me realize they are growing up so fast.  I am starting to see distinct beautiful individuals inside and out.

I have had a hard time letting go of control.  When I would ask myself why I cared so much, I always came back to my own struggle with vanity.  Not a good reason to stifle my kids creativity and so not worth the morning quarrels.

Most of all I want them to grow up to be self aware, confident girls who love Jesus with all their hearts.  Fashionistas who love Jesus!

1 comment:

  1. well good luck because as I can attest if they are not fashionistas from the start no mother can change that, sorry mom. haha. Hey my kids will probably have no concept of fashion so send their crazy outfits our way, hahah.
