Go running with 4 kids of course.
One thing I have learned with my kiddos is that I will try anything once. It may be a disaster but it's worth a try and it sure beats sitting at home. If it doesn't work out then we'll chalk it up as an experience.
At first the task was daunting. Brynn didn't want to leave without her diva, bedazzled sunglasses, Anna had on 5 different pairs of shoes before she found some that tied tight enough. Caroline couldn't understand why she had to ride in the stroller. I was thinking the whole time...come on already, let's go, and then in the same instance, what am I doing?
However, I feel so much better when I exercise and I want to impart to my girls the importance of a healthy body.
Standing on the driveway with all our hands in a pile..one- two- three-, we screamed "Kneisley Runners!" and we were off. Two toddlers in footie pajamas in a jogging stroller and Anna and Brynn running along side.
To my surprise the girls kept up with me the whole time. Anna actually ran ahead of me and I had to tell her to slow down. (I'm training that girl for a college sports scholarship) Lord knows we will need all help we can get paying for college. Brynn ran right beside me. We laughed and encouraged each other. I kept yelling out, "We can do all things through Christ who gives us strength!" "We're awesome, we're awesome!" Brynn just rolled her eyes.
Caroline served as our "radio." She sang renditions on Jingle Bells, Twinkle Twinkle, All The Single Ladies and some original numbers that she made up about people and Christmas decorations. Her songs were hilarious. She loved being our iPod and I loved listening to her. Brynn not so much. Aubrey, well we were just thankful that our little Aubs was quiet and well behaved. She sucked on her paci and didn't scream or hit anyone the entire trip.
One great thing about Florida is that it is 65 and sunny this time of year. Perfect running weather. No excuse not to go out and enjoy God's creations and that's exactly what we did.
3 miles check. We finished up our exercise session with sit ups by the couch. Anna showed me up on that one as well. Even Aubrey got in on the action.
The girls doing sit ups--
You never know when a fabulous family memory can be made on an ordinary day and that is exactly what happened today.
I am trying to write pages in the book of my girls lives that they will remember-- special times spent together. I think this is one none of us will forget.
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