Sunday, February 19, 2012

Aubrey Charlotte

Wow Little Mama, it's almost your 2nd birthday!  How can that be?

I'll have to admit.  I don't take birthdays for granted anymore.  Another beautiful year of life and the privilege of being your mama.  So many memories of who you are, what I've learned from you, how I've changed, how you have changed.  I don't want to forget any of it.

I have reminisced all week about everything that led to your birth and the months and years that have followed.

Before you were born your dad and I went back and forth about the need for a fourth child.  He insisted we needed another baby.  I was not so sure.  I could barely meet the needs of the three children I already had let alone add another.

Just this once I guess I will have to admit I was wrong and your dad was right.

Well God answered it all for us.  I became pregnant with you 5 months after giving birth to Caroline.  It had taken 8 years to conceive Caroline so of course I was not expecting to be pregnant so soon.  And in fact I didn't even know I was pregnant until my first trimester was almost over. 

I remember like it was yesterday the day I found out.    When that stick turned out positive I about collapsed on the floor.  I had spent years desiring to have a family and now I was going to be the mother of four.  God sure does have a sense of humor.

I have to admit I was scared.  I felt like I had made a mistake.  Caroline was just a baby.  I felt you two would be cheated somehow, that there wouldn't be enough of me to go around.  I remember your first ultrasound.  It wasn't just a dot on the screen it was a whole head.  You were already 12 weeks old.  Your heart beat strongly. I was in shock.  I didn't even have to tell anyone I was pregnant.  All I did was show up at the pool in a bathing suit and everyone knew;)

As your birth grew closer, the reality that Caroline would only be 14 months old when you were born paralyzed me. I resented the questions from strangers in stores.  "Are those all your kids and are you having another?"

February rolled around very quickly.  My mother arrived at 7pm the night I went into labor and my water broke at 2am as I was leaning over Caroline's crib to comfort her. 

Your birth was easy and you rolled into this world with chipmunk cheeks and a full head of hair.
Daddy and I went back and forth on your name. We had already used all the girl names we agreed upon. We finally settled on Aubrey Charlotte and it fits you perfectly. 

The first few months were rocky.  You had colic and were unhappy. There were beautiful moments followed by tears of frustration that I couldn't comfort you. I remember thinking really God?  You gave me another baby so soon knowing how hard it is going to be and she has colic and cries all the time?  Couldn't you have given me a break here?  But after about 5 months your personality came to life.  You began smiling and laughing and you have been a breath of fresh air ever since.

I love so much about you Aubrey Charlotte.  Oh let me count the ways.

I love that you are a peanut.  Only in the 3rd percentile for height a weight.  Small but mighty. 

You are not shy a never hesitate to use your voice. This could be that you are the fourth child and have had to scream the loudest to be heard.

I love that you dance like it is your business.  You can shake it down Mama!  It is the most priceless thing to watch. 

You love to play baby dolls, as did I when I was younger.  It will prepare you to be a great mother.

You are so happy and loving.  Love flows through your finger tips and in your touch.

I adore the hilarious faces you make when you hear a fire truck or police siren or see a duck.

I love that you make us laugh.  Like at dinner the other night when you were talking away and the entire family was falling out of their chairs they were laughing so hard,  you were eating it up.

I thank God for the priceless moments of rocking you staring into your big blue eyes.  You love to rock and oh how I love to rock you.

I love the relationship you share with your beloved "Ine" (Caroline). 

You are so passionate and persistent. We can't easily redirect you.  That will work in your favor one day. 

Dr. Soha says you will be my smartest kid.  She called you my Harvard baby.  I believe it. You are a determined little soul.

I love your nicknames...Aubs, Aubbies, Aubrey Char Char.  You answer to them all.

And finally, I love that you have been singing happy birthday to yourself for the last three weeks and that everyday you wake up and say, "Birthday, Mommy, birthday?"

It's almost here punkin.  Finally.  You have been so patient.  But don't grow up too fast.  You are my last baby and I am savoring every single minute.

I just love you so much.  I'm sorry I wasn't cool enough to know how much we needed you, how much  I  needed you.

You are the perfect book end to our little family.  I know it's cliche but you complete us.

So as we approach your second birthday I want to celebrate and scream from the rooftops that God really does know best what we need in life.   Thank you Lord for my Aubrey Charlotte!

Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God.
Philippians 1:3

Praying for your life as it unfolds.  Excited for what God has planned for you my precious Aubrey.  Cling to your Heavenly Father always. 

I love you forever,



  1. Your children are all beautiful and you glow when you are with them, even when one of them is screaming. God knew who to bless with four!

  2. Shannon, I've been checking in with your family since Caroline was sick. I didn't realize your 2 youngest were only 14 months apart. I'm 7 months pregnant with my second, who will also be 14 months apart from her sister. Very similar story (minus 2 adopted children, and a few less years of trying Woh!). I'm feeling the same way you described but love to hear how close your girls are. Thanks for writing and your honesty :)
