Thursday, February 2, 2012


Good mothers take their kids to the library. Everyone knows this.  However, I'm scared of the public library.

My husband talks about his childhood and the trips to the library with his family checking out books, attending summer programs and renting movies for Friday night get togethers.

The best thing is, it's free, he always tells me.

When my sister was looking for a house she wanted to make sure it was by a good public library and I listen to all my friends talk about taking their kiddos to the library on a weekly basis.

Upon moving to Fleming Island one of the first things we did, upon Ben's insistence, was go to the library and get our library cards.  Great. Fantastic.

When Anna and Brynn were first adopted from Russia they were crazy.  I mean into everything, balls of energy and louder than all get out.

The first time I took them to the library they were not the least bit interested in sitting down to listen to a story.  I ran around like a mad woman trying to keep them from pulling all the books off of the shelf.  And let's just say they wouldn't have won at the game of quiet mouse.  Keeping track of the books we borrowed was a nightmare.  It totally stressed me out. We can't even seem to find our toothbrushes in the morning let alone keep track of 10 different books. And if I recall correctly, Brynn actually took a black sharpie marker to one of them.  I scolded and felt defeated.  It was a miserable experience.  That was the last time I went to the library.  .

Before Christmas Anna was having a little trouble with reading.  I sat early one morning over my coffee thinking about what might motivate her.  Maybe checking out some books that interest her from the library would help, I thought to myself.  Let's face it, the stupid reading books my girls have to read at school are boring.  I wonder who gets paid to write that material? Seriously. (I say seriously in every post I write.  Just so ya know)

Okay, let's process this... That means I have to go to the library, this time with not only two kids but four.  I decided it was worth it.  I put on my big girl panties, gave myself a giant pep talk and loaded everyone in the van for our library outing.  It was another supermom moment.  I specifically went over all the rules.  We don't run around, we whisper, once we check out the books we must keep track of them, not write in them and not tear them up. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

The girls were stoked.  Nobody bolted out in front of a car walking through the parking lot, this was going well so far.  We get in everyone chose books, were relatively quiet....notice I used the word relatively.  I even overlooked that Caroline screamed loudly that she had to go number two while we were waiting in line to check out.

Finally it was our turn.  I gave the librarian my card.  She looked at me funny and said this is expired.  Well, of course it is,  I thought.  It's been about four years. I felt nervous.  I had to fill our paperwork all over again.  Extra time for this outing to go south.  I realize with four kids how fast things can go south! 

We got everything completed and walk to our van.  Everyone is bustling and excited about their library book choices.  Caroline was beaming over her Santa book.  She was equally obsessed with Santa and Baby Jesus this Christmas season.  I even checked out a special book to read my girls.  A book my Mama read to me when I was a little girl.  How sweet, I thought.  How sentimental.

I put Aubrey in her car seat.  I show her the book A Birthday for Francis. One of my favorite childhood memories.  I start the story of how Nana use to read this to me when I was little.  Aubrey smiles from ear to ear, grabs the book out of my hand and rips the front cover off.  It was paperback.  Guess I wasn't thinking.  I stood there horrified.  Well, I tried.

I taped the book back together, put it in the return slot and have been too scared to go back.  What do they do if the books get torn up?

Needless to say until we get a little older I feel okay with my life sans the library.  Nice to know it's there if we need it.  The Fleming Island library has a  great park.  Much more our speed:)

Caroline update:  We went to three appointments yesterday at Wolfson's Children's hospital.  Caroline had her picc line dressing changed, an appointment with the infectious disease doctor and a doppler of the leg that is bothering her.  The doctors are happy with her progress. We are staying the course with the IV antibiotics and shots of blood thinner for the blood clot in her neck. We do not have the results of the scan yet.  I have already called the pediatrician this morning.  The squeaky wheel gets the oil.  Ohh and I can be squeaky, just ask Ben.  I will keep you posted.  Thanks for praying!

1 comment:

  1. Love your blogs! Makes my day! Heart wrenching sometimes and hilarious others. I Love them. Keep them comimg. Love and prayers..
