Monday, January 30, 2012


Trying to think of some awe inspiring tid bit to write today about being a housewife and stay at home Mama....but I got nothin.  I was going over what I did the past few days nothing fun, or fancy.  Just ordinary day to day stuff.  I did many loads of laundry but not with homemade laundry soap.  I cooked meals, but not with organic ingredients and I cleaned my house with all chemical cleaners, and as far as craftiness goes I helped my kids play play doh...does that count? Oh and I was totally relieved that it is Monday and half of my kiddos went to school this morning.  I'm being totally honest.

I had one person tell me that is why she likes to read about my day to day life.  I don't make her feel inadequate.  And I quote, " I have read many blogs and always thought that lots of them I read made me feel like less than a good parent. Usually the mothers are homeschooling, eating ALL organic, home grown foods and seem too perfect and not real!! But yours have been real." 

Thank you!  I think.

I am real and that's okay.  If you do any of the above kudos to you. I am probably just jealous. Maybe it's just that most days I am just striving to keep my head above water and maintain a loving, patient disposition.  Sometimes I fail but I try...hard.

I hope that throughout my life people say I love with all my heart and my kids feel like I am present and accessible. And that people know the love I have for the Lord.  That's what is important to me.

And maybe one of these days I will get it together enough to be a coupon queen and learn how to sew.  Hey, I am giving one of my children IV antibiotics 3 times a day...does that count for anything?

And while I am at it I feel the need to confess that while my friend was over for coffee the other day I fed my two toddlers multiple packs of fruit snacks and cookies just so they would be quiet and let me visit.

Do you feel better about yourself yet?  Well you should.

Pressing on towards the goal.  Thank you Jesus for my life.  This NON laundry detergent making, NON crafty, NON coupon cutting, NON  homeschooling, NON organic ingredient using Mama truly loves it. 

To leave you with some very blog worthy news concerning Caroline.  When Caroline was in the hospital in critical condition my sister in law Nancy sent an e-mail to Caroline's idol Bethany Hamilton (Soul Surfer).  She wrote to  her about Caroline's story and sent a link to my blog post Bath Time with Bethany Hamilton.  In turn, Bethany sent Caroline an autographed picture that said, "Keep Fighting."  Neat, neat, neat.  Caroline was thrilled and that was such a thoughtful thing to do.  So thank you Aunt Nancy!  I refer to Caroline as Bethany Hamilton much more lately.  They share the same strong spirit.  How fitting that Caroline admires her so.

1 comment:

  1. Love it!! :D I've always seen myself as a normal mummy because I don't use organic, just fresh veg from the supermarket, and my house is cleaned with lovely bleach and glitter comes out once a year if I feel I can cope with it everywhere for the next few months. LOL hahaha I know my friends here in the UK are the same as me but its nice to know there are normal mummy's everywhere! :D Enjoy your week Shannon, I LOVE your blog and its helping me appreciate my family and the time I spend with them, so Thank You xx
