Thursday, January 19, 2012

He Gives and Takes Away

I have thought about what I would write in this post.  I was afraid I wouldn't do it justice, but here goes.  I guess I didn't think I would start 2012 by almost losing my daughter.  It truly is every mother's worst nightmare.  An illness with flu symptoms started, I took her to the ER a few days later and by Sunday she had stopped breathing and had to be put on a ventilator.  They called it Sepsis caused by an infection they never found.

I guess I could go on and on about the horrific details but I won't.  I am trying not to dwell on them even though I replay them in my head constantly.  What I was thinking, what I could have done differently.  But why?

I re- read my blog and I was haunted by some of the things I had written that somewhat foreshadowed this event.  Like when I wrote I am in awe of my life right now but if things change next year may I still say thank you Lord, thank you.  In another post about things I want to teach my daughters I wrote I hope we are together for a long time and I can watch your life unfold, but if God has different plans I want you to know these things.  So many times, I wrote about how time is passing quickly and time is of the essence.  Truly, I had no idea.

I had written that I believe God's plan is perfect and that I want my life to point to Him no matter what.  I really wondered if I could live up to everything I professed I believed if He chose to call my sweet Caroline home.  I would love to tell you that I never lost hope but it simply isn't true.  I prayed my heart out but for a few days things looked very grim and doctors were not very hopeful.

Late one night by Caroline's bedside I sat and watched her on the ventilator.  I replayed in my head all the happy times we spent together and how much joy she has brought to my life.  For a second I felt something come over me.  I know it was my spirit talking because my flesh simply could not.  My flesh felt sad and angry.  I told God that if He was going to call Caroline to Heaven I was so very thankful to have been her mother for three years. What a blessing.  I felt like Abraham and Isaac.  Maybe that was the turning point.  Maybe God wanted to see if I was willing.  Let me tell you, through it all my head had the knowledge, everything I had known and believed for years but my heart was having a hard time getting on board. I knew in my soul God gave her to me and He could take her away.  She belonged to Him, who loved her first.

As the storm raged I was struck by the way the Lord had prepared me to endure, to press on.  Last year was a year of great spiritual growth for me.  The profound lessons I learned were the very lessons that I needed to be able to endure this trial.  I was in awe of the family and friends God put in our midst to lift our heads when we simply could not and for the prayer warriors who prayed without ceasing.

I ask myself would I be saying these things if it had turned out differently and my answer is yes.  If Caroline had died Christ would still be here and be the same.  He is steadfast and unchanging. His plans are perfect.

I'll be honest I wouldn't wish this on my worst enemy but I pray someday I will see why this happened.  To God be the glory.

God is good all the time.  All the time God is good.  Savior He can move the mountains.  He is mighty to save.  He is mighty to save.


  1. During these horrendous events in our lives, we realize just what is most important in life for's family, it's God, and our relationship with's not the silly things we sometimes flippantly say we can't live without. You can take away the favorite beverage, and we'll survive...take away the favorite book, and we go on....take away the nice house, car, food....whatever it is that's a daily part of our lives....and we survive! And, when it comes to times like this when our heart is aching for what is happening to someone we love and adore....we still survive....and it's because we have God's love fulfilling what nothing else can. Deep down, He's all we really need and that's why His comfort is sufficient at times like this. We couldn't do it on our own, but with Him by our side, we can conquer the pain, the anguish, the anger, the grief....whatever it may be. God is so good and I'm so very thankful for you that He has answered our prayers so quickly and will continue to be at Caroline's side as she progresses from this illness. Praise the Lord, for He is GOOD!

  2. Beautiful! Thank you for being so transparent and allowing us all to grow and learn through your thoughts and experiences! We will continue to pray for Caroline and your whole family!!!!

    Lynnette Poupard

  3. This gave me chills. I can't begin to imagine what you went through but so grateful that Caroline pulled through. My heart is so happy for you :)
    --Leanne Pike

  4. May God bless you and Caroline at home. This event has brought so many Christians together to pray as one and restored the faith of many. You will be a blessing to another mother one day in a similar situation. Blessings to you.

    1. God engineers circumstances to see what we will do. Will we be the children of our Father in heaven, or will we go back again to the meaner, common-sense attitude? Will we stake all and stand true to Him? “Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” The crown of life means I shall see that my Lord has got the victory after all, even in me. Oswald Chambers

  5. Ok, now that I have wiped away the tears and have blown my nose, I can type!!!
    Shannon, your words are a mother's unwavering raw and honest love for her daughter. So many times we all forget God is in control. But His mercy and grace is always apparent in our lives. Your family has touched ours so deeply, as well as many hundreds more, I'm sure. What a blessed testimony you have to share about how our Father in heaven truly watches over his children, and as you said, we/they are ALL His. His mighty power is ALWAYS greater in our most desperate and weakest moments, the storms of our lives. And I am so proud to call you a sister in Christ. YOU are a true testimony to what faith is. As God tells us in Hebrews, faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see! Our family will be continuing to lift you all in prayer.
    Love and blessings to all the sweet Kneisleys!
    Love, Brian, Joy, Harrison and Macy

  6. I am so thankful that this situation did turn out the way it did. My situation did not, but I can tell you that God is in control and He is the giver of strength when you think there is none. I have learned to trust God no matter what. I still wonder what if and probably always will. I know that Amy is in heaven and I will be with her again someday. My sadness is selfish for me and for the rest of the family. I am so thankful you did not have to go through that. Treasure every minute you have with your girls and Ben. They are truely treasures. God bless you all. My prayers are still with you and your great family. Pam Taylor

  7. What an amazing journey this has been, for all of us on the "outside" looking in. Please know that your example to me has been awe-inspiring. I can't imagine going through this with Lola. It breaks my heart just thinking of it. But you DID go through it, and you did it with grace, and humility, and faith, and love. I so appreciate your testimony, of a Savior that loves you and that knows you. He knows what you could endure. And what kind of example you could be to so many while enduring so. I may not know you as well as other friends of yours, but I couldn't think of a better way to "really" get to know someone, than by watching them go through one of the hardest trials of their life, and in the end, come out an even better person on the other side. As much as you are so grateful to Heavenly Father for all that He did for you, just for one moment think how proud He is of YOU! I'm so proud of you. And one day, when Caroline can fully understand the miraculous degree to which this amazing journey took her on, she'll be SO proud of you, too. I can't think of anything sweeter. So happy for you all. xoxo, Amy

  8. Dear Shannon....I am constantly amazed at how deep, how high, and how wide the love of Jesus really is. We may never meet, but the bond we share will be ours for eternity... one of the amazing lessons learned while always walking one step at a time right in the footsteps of Jesus. Continue to find your hope, strength, and purpose in Him...there is nothing greater! Continuing to pray for you daily! Blessings, Jill Thomson :)

  9. Dear Shannon, We will probably never meet, but the prayers that I shared with God for your Sweet Caroline have brought me closer to Him and have changed my life for the better. I am so happy for your girls that they are all together again, as they should be! I grew up in a family with 4 girls... there was nothing better. Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us. Sending you and your family much love from Washington, DC!

  10. So grateful for Caroline's recovery and the obvious plan God has for her life! Your whole family is precious in His sight. We go through periods of testing, because He knows we're ready for new growth, and He will enable us to endure anything, if we trust Him. We don't know each other, but the bonds of the family of Christ are far reaching!
    God Bless!!

  11. Shannon the reason why you went through that is God wants you to be able to help the next person. The one after you that has to go through some horrific. And you will give them hope, love and strength. You will be albe to help them understand. God gives life and he will take life. But we have to be willing to let go and let God do his work in us. We have to trust. I am glad that caroline is doing so well.
