I find that writing about our mess is redemptive and somehow gives our mess some order. I actually had people ask me if I planted the messes around my house in my last post about messes. Are you crazy? Why would I do that? I hate messes and I hate even more making my children pick them up. That is why God gave me four kids. To mold and shape me. I took this picture this morning just because mainly I was in disbelief and I figured that you all would be too. Come join me in the journey of disbelief. Or maybe this is just normal and I don't know it. Actually if I am honest it makes my blood boil. But I am trying not to care. The thing that really astounds me is...it can go from totally 100% clean to this in like 5 minutes. How is this possible. Making memories....yeah that sounds good.
The Cleanse oh the dreaded cleanse. It is a 21 day program that will help in weight loss and clean out my insides and help my cravings. My friend who gave it to me swears that I am doing it to make better food choices, maintain a healthier lifestyle and the end result will be weight loss. Nah actually if I am being honest (and I seem to be pouring my heart out today so here goes) I'm just vain and I want to be skinnier. I want to be skinnier because I have to wear a swimsuit everyday of my life between the months of March and October. I can only eat veggies and fruit right now and I am having a text battle with my friend in Ohio this very minute to walk away from the muffin. I walked away though, although it took every ounce of strength in me.
As I sat and watched my kiddos basketball game last night Jenn and I had the deep conversation, Does God bless our efforts if they are just vain? Hmmm I don't know. But I think I got my answer this morning when I stepped on the scale. Yesterday I was down 2 pounds in one day...today up 1 pound.
I have the type of personality tell me I can't do it and I'll prove you wrong. That is why I drive 12 hours from Florida to Kentucky by myself with 4 kids and sign up for marathons and adopt twin 2 year olds from Russia. But I'm struggling today my friends.
I have come to the conclusion that I would rather work out than not eat. Life is too short. But I'm pressing on because I started it.
This weekend is not jam packed like last. Yay! Love Saturday mornings staying in our jammies till noon watching cooking shows and playing outside. We are also doing a little valentine crafting.
In the spirit of love....
I love that I found Little Mama getting in my bathroom drawer with a toboggan on. Not so much the getting in the drawer part but she looks pretty stinkin cute in that hat!
Can I just tell you a couple things I am lovin today. Now even Aubrey is playing with the other girls. I love that they all play together. Especially make believe. I love hearing "boss" AKA Brynn handing out the parts.
I love how attached my toddlers are to their blankies(except when they need to be washed) It gives my heart great comfort that they feel safe when blankie is around. Aubrey carries hers where ever she roams. Caroline puts hers over her face lately when it is time for her shot. I'm glad they have them.
I love these statues that my friend and my sister gave me while Caroline was sick. They are appropriately titled "Courage" and "Child of My Heart." I put them on my mantle so I can see them always. They give me a thankful heart.
I love that every night I go in my twins room and they are sleeping in the same bed. All spooned together with the covers falling off. They are super close. I have that bond with my twin and it is powerful.
I love that my husband invests time in my children. I love seeing how much he loves them. I love hearing him say how beautiful they look. I love listening to him do math homework with Anna because I did it wrong. Go figure second grade math...
Have a Valentine's Day filled with lots of love and eat some chocolate for me!
Collage of my brain and my heart this morning. Happy weekend. The Kneisley troops are getting ready to clean up that play room, unload the dishwasher and clean out behind their beds...because you know life is not fair and according to Brynn...I'm a slave driver. Happy Weekend.
Shannon, as always you are an inspiration. I get where you're coming from with the mess, my granddaughter and grandson can trash the place in a very short time. I also understand your position on 2nd grade math, math has always been my strong suit, but I think they're teaching it a whole different way because I don't understand my granddaughters. Keep hanging in there our prayers are with you.