Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Hit me!

Ben has a week off this week. Time for some welcome co-parenting. He works a crazy schedule and it is either feast of famine. He is either really here or really not. Every five weeks Ben gets 1 week off. He is always trying to get me to go and spend time alone during that week to rejuvenate. I have tried to explain for years that I don't necessarily want to go places by myself (Well sometimes maybe). I just need someone to share the parenting burden with, someone to help lighten the load a little. That is what I am getting this week. Hallelujah Amen!

Why do I need co parenting? You ask...  Please view the following pictures.  hurricane Aubrey filled up the sink and then got in fully clothed.

Oh and Friday I get my hair done. What is it about going to the hairdresser that is so wonderful? I love it! I read magazines that I probably shouldn't read and would never purchase at the store and just sit in complete silence under the dryer. Then I emerge feeling like a new woman. Nothing like some blonde highlights for my soul;)

Yesterday we worked on reports. Yes, my second graders are already writing reports. Brynn was researching the ever important Tiger Shark (Not to be confused with her basketball team The Tiger Sharks) who knew a tiger shark actually exists but they do. For black history month Anna had to do a report on an important african american person. She was assigned Oprah Winfrey. Since when was Oprah Winfrey one of the most important figures in black history? Just curious. But we learned about her and wrote a fabulous report. Wonder what my grade will be on that one? Ha!

Last evening we did a few laps around the lake, sitting down and writing reports is tough on 7 year olds. They needed some energy release! We ate an early dinner, got ready for bed and then sat down for a night of cards. I was thinking we should teach the girls gin rummy or play goldfish. Nope. Daddy wanted to teach them blackjack. A night of gambling with the bambinos at the Kneisley Nest. It turned out to be great for the math skills. It was hilarious to hear Caroline, who just thought she was playing, say, "Hit me!" Brynn turned out to be the blackjack champion. I don't know why I was surprised she could totally be a card shark. We ate bowls of kettle corn while playing. Aubrey was totally enthralled with the concessions at our card party. I think that child consumed 4 bowls of popcorn.

 Today, Caroline and I are making Aubbies birthday cake! Tomorrow is the big day. The big 2. I'll have to admit it makes me a little sad. My last baby is not really a baby anymore. I'll get over it. Sunday night we were walking out of church and all my girls were walking behind me in a line okay not really in a line but you get the picture. It hit me like a ton of bricks. They are all walking. I'm not carrying anyone. There is no stroller. Weird. The first time in 5 years. We are entering a new stage. I kinda like it. Mourning the baby years...just for a second.

Caroline update: Unfortunately Caroline will have to continue on her blood thinner shots for the remainder of the three months.  We are currently 6 weeks in.  I am bummed but trying not to be.  In the grand scheme of the ordeal this is just a minor set back.  I was just hoping we could be done.  But we will be, soon enough.  Can't retire my nursing duds yet....

I have run into so many people this week who have told me they read my blog. Thank you so much for reading about our crazy life!

Ahh that's more like it!

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