Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Have I told you?

I was standing in the audience watching you girls sing at church last evening and I was overcome by everything I want you to know, everything I want to teach you.  It seems I have so little time and so much to share.

Sometimes we get caught up in the shuffle of everyday life.  Do I take the time to teach you?  Do I lead by example?

My Mama (your Nana) was and still is one of my greatest teachers.  Here are some of the lessons she taught me about life that I want to pass down to you girls. Some lessons she could not teach me, I have learned them on my own the hard way.  Listen carefully.  You will need them.  I hope I am around for a long time to see your life unfold but if God has other plans I want you to know these things:

Love people with a love that accepts and cherishes unconditionally.  Expect the same kind of love from whomever you marry.

Make time to read your Bible and do a daily devotional.  Your days will be easier.

Ask God every morning to be His bring people across your path that need a gentle touch.  Ask Him to always keep you aware.  There is no greater blessing.

Participate in random acts of kindness.  It will bless your heart and others as well.

Keep your motives as well as your actions, honest and Godly.  Always keep in mind that the flesh and spirit want different things...the motives are not the same.

Guard your heart for it determines the course of your life.  Don't give it to boys freely. Once you give it you can't take it back.

You need good girl friends in life.  Relationships with close friends are invaluable.  Surround yourself with girls you can trust.

God is in control and His will is perfect.  You might not understand what He is doing but He doesn't make mistakes.  That should give you hope and comfort in troubled times.

People before projects. 

Remember to lift your hand up to God for help and direction and out to others for assistance, guidance and comfort.

It is easy to talk to God and ask of Him.  But it is important to take time to listen.  Be still and listen.  Draw upon His strength.  He sees the big picture we do not.

Be slow to anger and raise your voice in anger.  Harsh words are damaging.  Unkind words may be forgiven but not forgotten.

Marriage is a wonderful thing but it will be harder than you think.  Always put God at the center of your marriage.  Don't listen to people who say you can live on love.  A good marriage takes work.  Learn to communicate effectively with your spouse. Do not be unequally yoked.

Do not gossip.  Nothing good can come from it.  Do not tear others down just to make yourself feel better.

Have courage.  Don't  be afraid to try things just because you might fail.  You will never know if you don't try.  Remember you can do all things through Christ who gives you strength.

Don't be afraid to speak out where you don't believe or where there is room for improvement.  Don't be critical, work to improve in a positive way.

Don't underestimate hospitality.  Open your home to people even if it is a mess.  Don't act put upon when people stay with you.  God has given you so much.  Share what is His with others.

Look to nature to remember the awesome power of God.  All you have to do is go outside and look around you.

Love is a choice, happiness is an ability and God is the source of both.  It is sooo true!

Take care of your body for it is the temple of the Lord.  Take time to exercise.

Don't tell God how big the mountain is.  Tell the mountain how big your God is!

Be available to others.  You never know when you may be an answer to someones special prayer.  Someone may know that life is good because of you, and that tomorrow has a bright and shining hope that wouldn't be there if you weren't here today.

Know who you are and be confident.  There is not a more attractive quality  Don't be afraid to be yourself.  God made you unique and special.  .

Get and education and choose a vocation in which you can support yourself.  You never know what will happen in life.  There will be great comfort knowing you can support yourself if need be.

Take people at their word.  Don't over analyze people and situations

Don't wish away the days.  God doesn't promise tomorrow.  Learn to appreciate the small joys that each day brings.

Bloom where you are planted.  God has you where you are for a reason.

Be authentic and transparent.  Don't pretend to be something you are not.  There is nothing more freeing than being real and not putting on a facade.

Don't go on what the world says about motherhood and family.  I hope you desire to be the center of your family and your home.  It is the greatest fulfillment I have ever experienced.  The sacrifice is great but the reward is greater.

You can't tell people how much you love them too often.  You can't give too many hugs and kisses.  Don't underestimate the power of physical touch.

If you want to see what you value in life just look at what you put time and effort into on a regular basis.  Is what you value in line with what Jesus said should have value?

Don't be passive aggressive.  Say what you mean, mean what you say.

Learn to cook.  It is a necessity in life.  It will be something that you can always share with others and that most people appreciate.

Give grace abundantly.  Your Heavenly father extends grace to you.  You should do the same.  This does not mean you have to be a doormat.  Set healthy boundaries.

Use the Bible as your guide to life.  If it says it is wrong in the Bible... it is wrong.

Cultivate strong bonds with your sisters.  Do not compete with each other.  Celebrate each others successes and differences.  When Daddy and I are gone they will be all your have. Family is important.  Make time for family.

Don't judge people.  Be quick to empathize.  You can never fully understand until you walk a mile in someone elses shoes.

Your life is yours to build as you choose.  Remember that choices have consequences.  Think about the consequences before you make quick decisions. 

I'm sure as the years progress I will add to this list.  This is just for starters.

You all will probably read this as teenagers and roll your eyes...but trust me young ones when you are older you will read it again and count it as wisdom.

I use these lessons everyday. Pencil them on your hearts. They are so important.

The love I have for you girls overwhelms me.  Always know my love for you.  Know God's love for you.  I wish you happiness in life in return for all the joy you bring to me.

Anna, Brynn, Caroline, and Aubrey,  I hope you dance.  Dance through life and enjoy what it has to offer.

May love walk by you side.  May friendship sing in your smile.  May opportunity remember to knock on your door and surprise you once in a while.  May your memories be ones that you wouldn't trade for anything.  May your hopes and dreams find ways of coming true.  May you never forget how dearly I wish "Happy Everything" for you.        Douglas Pagels


1 comment:

  1. Shannon, I love your honesty, sincerity, and frankness. You are, and have always been, an inspiration for me. Hugs to you. Noelle
