The show Wipeout is a huge hit at our house. The girls absolutely love it. I mean who doesn't love watching people totally fall, jump on the big balls and get punched in the face.
Staying up late, real late, (Ohhh 8pm so late!) to watch Wipeout is a serious motivator for the Kneisley chics. Girls take naps without a problem, learn their spelling words faster, complete homework and take baths with no goofing..well almost no goofing. I 'm not proud! I use it!
So much to my absolute delight last week I see a commercial for Christmas Wipeout on Thursday evening. My kids two favorite things: Christmas and Wipeout. What could be better? Score!
Honestly, none of my children even my 7 year olds have much concept of time. But I felt okay this morning over breakfast bringing up that Wipeout is on this evening after dinner. Maybe that was a mistake because all day Aubrey has been walking around saying, "Wipeout,Wipeout, Wipeout, Wipeout, Wipeout." I could keep typing but my hands are getting tired an truthfully that is no exaggeration on how many times that has come out of her sweet lips today.
I love it though. What is better then something that brings the whole family together. I sit there and watch my 4 wide eyed daughters staring at the TV completely belly laughing with one another, grinning from ear to ear.
Anna insists that she would have no problem winning the show.
Caroline always tells me about 50 times while the show is on that she doesn't ever want to be a contestant on Wipeout. I promise her she will never have to...unless she doesn't listen to her Mama.
(Insert Villain laugh) Ahahahahahahaha.
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