Saturday, December 3, 2011


When I think back at the pompous individual I used to be I cringe. Ben and I were totally the DINK's (double income no kids) sitting next to all you parents at a restaurant discussing how terrible your kids were acting and how our kids would never behave in such a manner.

I was the lady walking down the aisle of the grocery store flashing an unapproving glance at the mother whose toddler was throwing a fit in the floor.

I was the one whispering to my husband to listen to those parents bribing their kids.  What a terrible way to parent I would say.  I will never do that.


I think I have officially done absolutely everything I said I would never do in regards to parenting.

Back before I had kids I seemed to have all the answers.  It is now that I have four kids of my own that I can admit I really know nothing. I am humbled.  I have been given these treasures by the grace of God and I pray everyday that He will help me raise them.

Now I am the woman that some 20 something is glancing unapprovingly at when my toddler darts out into a parking lot or when I can't seem to make my baby sit in a high chair or my twins sass me in public.

My heart has been softened.  I totally bribe my kids at the grocery store with sweet stuff just to make the trip more pleasurable.  And you better believe I am the first person to speak to a mother with a temper tantrumed toddler in public.  I smile reassuringly and say, "I've been there," because I have.  And when I get to that place it is almost 90 percent my fault.  She is throwing a tantrum because I put her to bed late the night before or I skipped nap time to get the grocery shopping done while the others are at school.

So this is an apology.  I was judgemental.   I had no clue.  I didn't know a thing.  I'm sorry.  I still don't know most days.  I do the best I can and pray alot.  I'm learning more with each passing day and each new child.

Mothers we are in this together. Encourage other mothers.  No child is the same and what works for my child might not work for yours.  Judge not lest ye be judged.

And if you have no kids don't say a word. You don't know yet... trust me, your time will come.

And again...I'm sorry.


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