Although, there are many things I love about being a stay at home mom, there are many things I "struggle" with also. I would say the thing that is bothering me the most at the current time is that I feel like a hamster in a wheel. You can all picture it, a cute little hamster running its little heart out and getting nowhere. Many days that's me and I hate it.

I mop the kitchen floor and in less than 30 minutes someone has spilled a sticky substance all over it. I finish cleaning the kitchen up after a meal and it's time to start the next meal or someone needs a drink and a snack. With 4 kiddos someone is always hungry. I finish changing Caroline's diaper, get her down from the changing table and take the diaper to the trash. Upon re entering my house I hear a familiar little voice say "Mommy, I poop". I pick up the playroom during nap time and it looks like the atomic bomb went off 20 minutes after the girls wake up. I could go on and on. But I won't.

What I have been really convicted of lately is doing all the mundane tasks in my day for the Glory of the Lord. Phil 2:14 "Do all things without grumbling or complaining" Colossians 3:17 "And whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks through him to God the Father." Does that mean I feel like doing this...certainly not but I am trying. I am a work in progress.
So, thank you Lord that I picked up 10 different pairs of mostly odd socks out of the toy bin today. At least I have 8 little feet to put them on. So, I will press on another day giving praise to my Lord and as my sister says, trying to stay of "struggle street."
I will admit one of my favorite times of my day is a night when I put all the kiddos to bed, pick up my house and sit in complete silence admiring its perfection. I am a tired hamster by then. I rest and get ready to jump back on the wheel the next day;) With a thankful heart ...of course;)