I have to admit I think 2010 has been the fastest year of my life. It' like I blinked for a brief moment and it is 2011. Last year at this time I was getting ready for the arrival of my 4th baby girl Aubrey. I was terrified at the thought of another child. After all Caroline was only 13 months old. I am happy to say we have survived and I learned alot along the way. Aubrey will be one next month.
She is a ray of sunshine in our family. The first few months started out a little rough...colic and crying but at 5 mos old my sweet baby girl started smiling and hasn't quit yet. I have always said that God's plan is perfect. however, humbly, I now admit I don't know if I truly believed it until now. I look at our 4 perfect daughters and know that God had a plan. A plan far bigger then I could have ever imagined. It never hits me more then when I see them all sitting around the breakfast table together.

In 2010 I learned that kids don't need a bath everyday. They don't need perfectly coiffed hair with enormous hair bows. Sometimes It's best to stop what I'm doing and sit on the floor and play. My husband will not die if the house is messy and neither will I. God is sovereign. God places people in your life for a season and He knows these people will be there when you really need them. 6 year olds can help out tremendously....you just have to ask them. Girlfriends make life better. My family will always love me despite my imperfections. Don't take a 16 month old a 2 month old and twin 6 year olds to the pool by myself--- it's too hard. McDonald's drive thorough is a gift from God. It's easier to take care of 4 children NOT pregnant than 3 children pregnant. When all hell (for lack of a better word) breaks loose have a dance party in the living room. Most of all I have learned that I am tougher than I thought and what doesn't kill me will make me stronger.
Do I get to be your very first comment? How exciting! :-) I loved your post Shan, you're so funny...I especially liked the last part about having a dance party in the living room. You and Ben are wonderful parents, and such a blessing to our family - we love you! Can't wait to read your next blog post. :-)