Wednesday, June 6, 2012


Last day of school.  Summer break.  This means a few things to me.  First, time is passing ever so quickly in life.  Even though the days seem soooo long, the years are passing by too fast.  I know I am going to wake up and they will be driving off to college.  This scares me. 

Secondly, I was going to say not having to be out of the house by 8am.  However, being the intelligent person I am, I signed my children up for swim team and practices are Monday-Thursday at 8am.  Yeah.  I  know.  But looking on the bright least they don't have to be perfectly coiffed and fed.  We can eat after practice right?  My friends swear I will love it.  I either will love it or I will want to shoot myself in the head.  (I heard Caroline say " Shoot me in the head"  yesterday and I cringed.  I might say that often...  Most of the time I don't really mean it.  Most of the time.)  But I digress.  So I guess number 2 is that there will be no homework wooo hoo and our schedule will be more relaxed. 

Number 3.... I am terrified at the thought of having all four children home all summer and entertaining them.  There I said it.  I see these Mothers that talk about summer break and how they can't wait to do fun things with the kiddos and I wonder if I'm crazy or a bad mom but I would be lying if I didn't have a little dread.  I know I am going to have four children home all day messing up my house and asking for snacks, fighting and standing over my bed at 6am inquiring what we are doing today.  Little scared I tell ya.  Usually it turns out fine but some days are rough. 

I have to admit, I'm a better Mother when my kids go to school for some of the day.  I need a little reprieve a little break in the action.  Hats off to you homeschoolers.  I think you are awesome.  I am envious.  I could never do what you do. At least I am aware of my shortcomings.

Now, I know we will have some really fun days and we will make some really great memories.  I am already giving myself a pep talk that I want to be patient and fun and that messes don't matter.  I  think I can... I think I can.  I was just trying to make sense of the different emotions that are swirling around in my head this morning as I sent my kids off one last time just until 11:45am barely enough time for me to get myself dressed and back to pick them up.

I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength Phil 4:13.  I used this verse as my theme when I ran a marathon.  It works.  I got this.

So my friends let summer vacation 2012 begin.  Let's make some memories.  See ya at the pool this afternoon!

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