Friday, February 22, 2013

Happy 3rd Birthday Aubrey!

My baby girl Aubrey Charlotte will be 3 tomorrow.  It seems like yesterday she was born but her three years of life have been a whirlwind.  I watch her ride down our street in her little red sports car with her friend Ella and I know that will be reality sooner than I would like to admit.  Okay let me clarify, not the red sports car part but me standing on the driveway watching her drive away.  Trying to capture every special minute.

Her only requests: Take me to Chuck E Cheese. This is a labor of love I seriously do not like Chuck E Cheese. And #2 buy me a Baby Alive Walking baby doll.  Grandma Kneisley delivered on that one so needless to say my baby girl will be thrilled tomorrow.  We are shooting for Chuck E Cheese early because who wants to be there on a Saturday afternoon?   Yikes!  Pizza for breakfast anyone;)

Caroline and I picked her out a pink tricycle.  It said ages 1 to 3 but honestly Aubrey is about the size of a 1 year old so it should fit her perfectly.  Caroline is scheming as I type the best way to wrap it.  I suggested a big bow but she didn't like that idea.

Some of the unique things I love about my Aubs. She is the smallest person in this family, however, her courage and confidence abound.  She is never afraid to tell how she feels.  As a mother I am trying to teach her to speak kindly, and season her speech with grace.  You get more with sugar than with salt, sweetheart. She is a mother to the core.  We cannot even run to the grocery store for milk without taking our baby dolls. Dad tries to discourage but I think he has given up on that battle.  Babies must come with...always.  She is constantly comforting, bouncing, feeding and swaddling.  I say she is getting some good practice for the journey of motherhood.  Not for the faint of heart.  My sister and I swear she will be the next Michelle Duggar.  I love Aubrey's eyes and how expressive they are.  She will use those baby blues to her advantage one day!  I truly could sit and watch her all day long.  Her facial expressions are so over exaggerated and dramatic it is very entertaining.  Her smile lights up a room.

On her birthday I am choosing to forget that she writes on everything with pens, empties cabinets, floods the bathroom daily, waits too long to potty, tips over the Christmas tree and is the messiest eater I have ever encountered...well there is always Anna.  So I don't know if that is true but I wouldn't trade Hurricane Aubrey for the world.

My absolute favorite thing is when she puts her face up to mine, looks me right in the eyes and says, "It's me and you Mama, it's me and you." Be still my heart, love overfloweth for that girl!  At that moment that child could flood my entire house and I wouldn't care.

It's me and you Aubrey. Always and forever.  Don't you forget it.

My prayer lately for my daughters is that I trust God enough to let them live their lives.  I don't want to be a "hover" mother always worried about what will happen.  That is not God's will for us Mamas!  He entrusted us with His children.Think how much you love them...He loves them more!  May we fully depend on Him to give us wisdom and insight to parent them. He does not want us pacing the floors, wringing our hands, worrying.  That's hard. I am a "what if", "worrier" to the core.  May I not get in the way of God's plan for their lives.  May I be prayerful enough to know when God is opening and closing doors for my children to walk through even if it would not be my choice for them.  And whatever they do, where ever they go, may their lives point to our Savior for all blessings come straight from above.

I have been working lately on rising earlier than the littles to get my quiet time in and myself together before duty begins.  It has made a difference.  When I ask Jesus to fill me up and I give Him my day right from the start everything works better.  Praying I can keep this going.  I used to do my Bible study at the end of the day but when do we really need it?  Throughout our day. It's better in the morning!    

I love my little peanut so much and I cannot wait to celebrate her life tomorrow.  She was an unexpected, added bonus to our family.  A true gift from God and I give Him all the Glory.

Ohh there is the doorbell.  It is the UPS man delivering my 100th grand baby..the walking Baby Alive doll.  Gotta run.

Aubrey Charlotte Kneisley I love you to the moon and back.  Happy Birthday.  Happy 3rd birthday!

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday, sweet Aubs. :-) Can't believe you're three already! Have lots of fun at Chuck-E-Cheese!
