Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Holy Roller.

I have contemplated writing this post for a while and just have never done it.  But today I am.  I was asked a couple of months ago to share my testimony and it made me think about my Christian walk and how it has changed over the years.

I accepted Christ as my Lord an Savior at the young age of 8.  I remember praying every night before I went to bed.  I was raised in a Christian home.  We were always involved at church.  I believed in God.  But one thing I realized about 5 years ago is that although I always believed that God was real and the Bible was the ultimate truth I didn't really "get it."  I followed my mother's example but I hadn't really figured out anything on my own.  Why did I believe what I believed?  Did my life show a dramatic difference because of what I believed? I have to admit no.

Yes, I was a good person, I even tried to point others to Christ but what I have come to realize is that is not enough.  Did my life really show that God had infiltrated every part of my being.  Did receiving the Holy Spirit really effect the way I thought, talked, treated others?  Did I really find the importance of having a daily devotion time? Did I hunger and thirst for the Word of God and want to seek it out?  No.  Plain and simple.  No.

We have all seen the wear Christ on your shoulder and put him in your purse when it is not convenient for Him to be there example.  That was me.  Without even purposefully doing it.    I have been struck lately by how many people do that on a daily basis.  Do you sit in church on Sunday to check it off of your "To Do" list or do you really desire and have a personal relationship with the Lord?  There is a difference.  It is not about religion people.  It's not about rules, and who can do good deeds...it's about a relationship.

You cannot have a relationship with someone you don't invest time in and communicate with.

Being a "good" person will not get you to Heaven. I cannot stress this enough.

A verse that really hit home when I heard it a few years back is

Matthew 7:21-23

“Not everyone who calls out to me, ‘Lord! Lord!’ will enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Only those who actually do the will of my Father in heaven will enter. On judgment day many will say to me, ‘Lord! Lord! We prophesied in your name and cast out demons in your name and performed many miracles in your name.’  But I will reply, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you who break God’s laws.’

I didn't get it.  So many people don't get it.  It's not about going through the motions.
I have been bombarded lately with scripture about living in the spirit.  I have been a Christian for so many years and I haven't heard  a lot of people preach on this topic or explain what it means.  I had been trying to live the "Christian life" by my own human power in my flesh instead of letting the Holy Spirit fill me and take control of my thoughts, my mind, my tongue and my actions. When I finally surrendered it became so much easier.  God can accomplish what my flesh cannot if I just let him.  What freedom there is in letting him take the reigns and lead.  Truly lead...be in total control.  But in order to do this I must die to myself and my selfish ways. 
Call me Baptist, a holy roller, Bible thumper.  That I am. The only reason I exist is for my life to point to Jesus Christ in every aspect.  And let me tell you many days I fall way short but it is my life's desire. 
So thankful to be enlightened by the truth of God's word.  
Do you live in the flesh or the spirit?
Proverbs 30:30
Charm is deceptive, and beauty does not last;
but a woman who fears the Lord will be greatly praised.

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