Thursday, April 11, 2013

I Love You More...

I have four children and I try to have different things that connect me to each child.  For example, a code word, a special handshake, a certain way we kiss goodnight or a sentence that the other one finishes.  One thing I play with all my girls is "I love you more."

When playing I love you more, you look at the person and tell them you love them more than something you really, really like a lot.  We had time to play I love you more on our return trip from spring break.

It was very interesting to hear what my girls said.

Me: "Caroline, I love you more than sweet tea."
Caroline: "I love you more than chocolate ice cream with sprinkles on top."

Me: "Anna, I love you more than pretty flowers."
Anna:  " I love you more than hot tubs. You know how much I love hot tubs Mom." 
It's true when we go on vacation in the summer you will find Anna in the nearest hot tub even though it is 98 degrees.

Me: "Brynn, I love you more than getting blond highlights in my hair."
Brynn: " I love you more than a  Reese's chocolate egg."

Me: "Aubs, I love you more than McDonald's french fries."
Aubrey: " I love you more than purple blankey."
Whoa, purple blankey, that is alot, I thought to myself. My sweet girl loves purple blankey.  She wants purple blankey when she is sad, when she is scared and when she is just chillin on the couch.  That girl loves purple blankey and she just told me she loves me more.

Suddenly from the backseat, I hear Brynn pipe up, "Mama I don't love you more than God.  We're not supposed to love anything more than God."  It was one of those mommy moments when you smile and think, all the muttering about Jesus and teaching godly lessons on a daily basis is sinking in.  You think it doesn't matter and they will never remember but they do.   I am not naive to think that she totally understands what it means to love God completely and totally more than anything or anyone else in the world.  However, the seed has been planted and by her comment, I think it has begun to sprout. I think I have spent most of my adult life learning how to love God more.

Do we love God more? More than anything else or anyone else in the world. 

Do we put ourselves or our children before God?  Do we make idols of things like food or fashion or exercise.  Does how we spend our time and treat other people reflect that we love God more?

Anyone who loves his father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.  Matthew 10:37

This made me think about how much God loves us. 

"For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only son, that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16

His one and only son.  He loves us more.


  1. "Do we put ourselves or our children before God? Do we make idols of things like food or fashion or exercise. Does how we spend our time and treat other people reflect that we love God more?"
    Guilty! Thank you for writing again, always strive to grow spiritually with your insights.
