Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Serious Cuteness and Demons

My little Aubrey.  A cherub.  Maybe, I am a little biased. That youngin is sporting some long lashes attached to those piercing, baby blues.  Her blond hair falls perfectly around her face.   She is seriously cute.  Yes, I know, I am her Mama and I probably think she is cuter than she is.

My friends and I used to discuss whether we would know if our kids were ugly or not.  We even promised to tell each other the "truth."  I am convinced, no. You will never think your kid is ugly and your friends will never tell you the truth.  But I digress.

Really, I am saying all this to say that my angelic little Aubrey is cute but sometimes she can speak to me like she is possessed by the devil and has evil spirits flying out of her.  Out of her innocent, perfectly pursed lips, come the most horrific, statements of defiance and a tone of voice that will  make your tonenails curl.   I gasp, because it takes me off guard. I have never had any of my kids talk to me like this and I am not starting now.

Actually, the minute she talks to me in such a way, she immediately notices the displeasure (and shock) in my facial expression and follows her demand with her most syrupy sweet, softly spoken, "Please?"


And to add the cherry on top, she usually follows her best manners with, "Mama, you are very pretty." Like that is gonna work....

The other day, I dropped my niece off at her home after preschool.  My sister's in laws are in town so we went in to say a quick hello.  We didn't have much time.  Aubrey went up stairs to play.  I totally knew what was coming before I told her it was time to go.  "We need to pick up Brynn at school," I yelled up the stairs. Aubrey comes half way down the stairs, crosses her arms and screams, "No. I'm not going.  Mama you are mean.  I don't like you."  (In a demonic tone)

I feel my face turning red as I pick her up kicking her feet.  I immediately turn to my sister's mother in law and say, "She hasn't had a nap today." It wasn't even true. Like the only reason she was acting that way was because we skipped her nap. Who am I kidding? I know full well my sweet girl could've slept three hours and she still would have reacted that way when it was time to leave.  Does that mean I am a bad mother?  I thought about it all the way back to my house.  Why did I feel the need to make an excuse for my child's bad behavior?  Was I scared they would think I am a bad parent?  They know I am not.

I felt convicted about the whole thing.

I am striving to be authentic.  I haven't raised my fourth child any differently than my others but she sure does have a fiery temper and it is embarrassing.  I'm done making excuses though.

Children will misbehave and it doesn't always mean we are bad mothers.  My prayer is that I don't feel the need to explain myself when it happens.

Audience of 1 people.  Jesus Christ. That's all that matters. He knows my efforts and my heart. With His divine help, I am trying my darnedest to raise, respectful, obedient, loving, and most of all godly children.  I am trying to be authentic through the process.

Next time you see a kid misbehaving or throwing a temper tantrum give the Mama a smile.  You know that, "I know how you're feeling, I have been there, I know you're trying, it's going to be okay" smile.

Don't judge. There is a very big chance that Mama might be me!

  • Authentic faith is not just something I read
  • Authentic faith is not just something I say
  • Authentic faith is not just something I feel
  • Authentic faith is not just something I think
  • Authentic faith is something I LIVE!

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.  John 8:32

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