Monday, November 11, 2013

Devotions and the Smell

What a sweet, sweet day.  Blue skies and sun shining.  Perfect weather.  The Kneisley Nest spent this beautiful holiday at the zoo.  I kept joking all day, "Why do I need to leave my house to visit the zoo?  I live in a zoo."  We had a wonderful day in awe of God's creations.  I mean seriously, have you ever looked at an ant eater or a giraffe?  And people think animals were created by the big bang theory.  Yeah right. Nevertheless, I digress.

 I had to write a blog tonight to capture the most precious memory with my girls.  Our devotion time.  Honestly, I was on my A game tonight.  Probably, because we didn't have homework and we skipped soccer practice (shhh don't tell). But all my angelic little cherubs were bathed and in pj's early this evening.  Perfect time to do a little devotion.  Normally, we are rushing in later than I would like after soccer. The kids don't move fast enough for my liking. (Shocker do kids know how to hurry?  After my fourth I have decided no!) I lose patience and the last thing that crosses my mind before everyone is tucked into bed is sitting down to do a devotion. 

 I have been convicted about our rushed devotion time or lack thereof and I vowed to do better.  So tonight we began.  We all gathered in the little's room. I turned off the overhead light and filled the room with a soft glow from the lamp.  The girls waited in eager anticipation. Something about 4 blondies sitting across from me with wet heads, freshly bathed in pink jammies.  One of those mental pictures that will be forever etched in my mind. We read about giving Jesus our day and I asked them what they thought that meant.  I always feel a little proud when they "get it."  I almost expect them not to get it and when they do... wow!  What a feeling.  My girls answered spot on.  Then we talked about lying.   We had a little incident today with Anna and lying.   Finally, I asked the girls to pick a specific person to pray for tonight.  We all joined hands and prayed out loud.

Aubrey of course spent ten minutes "praying" about all the reasons people shouldn't lie. We all smirked and peered out from under our half closed eyelids, trying not to laugh.  She is learning. Brynn bent down and kissed her on top of her head, as if to say "good job."

My Brynn.  What a precious soul.  She prayed for all the "veterinarians" today who serve our country and protect our freedom.  Yes. God bless those "veterinarians!"  Thankful for them.

Now about the lie.

There has been an smell in Anna's and Brynn's room for 3 days now.  I have pulled out beds, taken up the area rug,  looked under chairs, smelled curtains and sprayed enough air freshener to kill us all.  I couldn't tell what the smell was or where it was coming from.  It was getting worse. I questioned the girls about it multiple times.  Of course "nobody" (do y'all know him?  He lives at our house) knew anything about it. Finally tonight, I got on my hands and knees and just started smelling everything in the girls room from the floor up.  It was quite a sight.  I was almost afraid to locate whatever was making the fowl smell.

 Finally, I found it.  In a green box on top of Anna's desk was a clam. A clam all wrapped in toilet paper tucked nicely in her box.  We  told her when she found it in the lake last week not to bring it in the house. She agreed.  She disobeyed and she knew all along it was tucked in her box and told me otherwise.  She didn't want me to dispose of the smelly sea creature. Boy, that girl really needs a pet.  I had an inkling that she may know what the smell was when she took it upon herself to spray the Febreeze yesterday.

Tonight, the clam went bye-bye.  Maybe in a few days the smell will too. It was a very teachable moment about disobedience and not telling the truth.  But seriously, my daughter had a freaking dead clam in her room.  I can't make this stuff up.  Never a dull moment in this household.

I chuckle already talking to Ben about it.  He just shakes his head.

So in love with my little, clam hoarding, "veterinarian" loving,  God seeking little girls. Thankful God chose me.

Hope your day was filled with special memories. Mine was filled with memories I will never forget!

Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free. John 8:32

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