Saturday, May 12, 2012

Mothers Day 2012. Yay Us!

Mother's Day was exactly the kind of time I envisioned for all the years before I had kids.  All my children would sit around me ( at that time my vision included 2) they were all fresh faced and neatly dressed, they would present me with homemade gifts and kisses tell me what a great Mom I am.  My hubby would stand proudly beside me admiring the family we created together.

The following scenario I did not envision when I thought about mothering pre kids (it included four kids) and happened to me just yesterday morning and happens well almost every morning.  Mental picture....   I was fixing Anna and Brynn's hair, Aubrey was standing in her high chair screaming, either getting ready to fall and crack her head open or chuck her full cereal bowl onto the floor (both would have been bad) and Caroline was positioned just outside the bathroom with her panties around her ankles, a wad of toilet paper in her hand that would stop up even the most expensive toilet, pleading with me to please wipe her. All at the same time. Yes folks, this is mothering.  The latter happens way more frequently than people standing around admiring me and my mad mothering skills.

Being a mother comes with the good and the bad. It's hard and wonderful all at the same time.  But most days there is nothing like it!

The fact is these scenarios are both the reality of mothering. ( all maybe except the fresh faced and neatly dressed part) at least in my house.  Yay for mother's who do it all willingly, gracefully and lovingly everyday.  Today we celebrate you! (and me;)

So just know that all those peanut butter sandwiches you make matter, all the drinks you get again and again over the course of a day matter, all the tears you wipe away and boo boos you kiss matter, the countless loads of laundry you fold and put away matter. I could go on and on. 

It all matters.

Thank you for doing it!

Mother's today count your blessings, seize the day, cherish your time, and enjoy the moments. Love on those babies. Make a difference in their lives for eternity. Their childhoods are like sands in the hour glass.  God has given us such power, we are raising future mothers and fathers. I am sweating,( I mean glistening) thinking about it! Such an important job.

I can't let Mother's Day pass without a shout out to my Mama.  I love you because you are selfless and kind and strong.  You taught me what it means to be a woman of God, how to live out my faith everyday, and that faith is not a religion but a relationship.  You taught to get on my knees and pray fervently.  I know100% that you pray for me and my family everyday. What a relief.  And I love and thank you for the little things you do, that really are big to me....  that you were as excited as I was the day Anna and Brynn came home.  You always share my joys.  That you do my laundry when I come to visit you and always send me home with a suitcase full of clean clothes, you listen patiently to all my phone calls about child rearing woes.  I can always seek your wisdom.  You taught me to make lemonade out of lemons in life, that often our blessings come through raindrops.  You are my biggest cheerleader and always were.  You are ever present. There has never been a time that I have called and needed you that you haven't come.  You always make me feel pretty and smart and capable.  I count myself blessed to call you Mom.  If I can model half of what you taught me, for my daughters, I will be doing okay.  I love you with all my heart.  I miss you.   Enjoy your special day!

The fact that I am a woman does not make me different kind of Christian, but the fact that I am a Christian does make me a different kind of woman and mother. For I have accepted God's ideas of me and my whole life is an offering back to Him of all that I am, and all that He wants me to be.
-Elisabeth Elliott

She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. Proverbs 1:8

Hope you feel extra special and loved on your day.  I know I do.

Happy Mother's Day!

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