Saturday, October 27, 2012


After adopting Anna and Brynn I felt so complete.  However,  I told a close friend that one thing I regretted is that I would never know what my biological children would look like.  She stared at me blankly and replied, "They would look exactly like Anna and Brynn.  They look just like you and Ben."

A couple days later Ben and I walked into Cracker Barrel with my twins and the waitress greeted us saying, "Boy you can't deny those girls are your children, could they look anymore like you?"  I laughed politely.  God was trying to show me something...very tangibly.

He is in the details. 

My mother my sisters and I barely have a baby toe nail on our pinky toe at all.  We always make fun of our pinky toes.  Would you believe that Brynn barely has a baby toe nail either!?  It's like God said, "See Shannon trust me.  Believe that I am in every detail. No matter how small or how seemingly insignificant."  God has illustrated this in my life in very practical ways.

People always tell me that Aubrey and Caroline look exactly like their big sisters.  I grin and think,
"Why yes they do."  What a miracle that Anna and Brynn were brought into the world thousands of miles away by people we will never know.  However, they look just like my biological children.  A miracle.

And honestly, even if they didn't look like us it wouldn't matter but I think it's neat.

I know one of the greatest blessings of my life thus far, is how God has knitted my family together. So unconventionally.  I stare in amazement almost daily at how everything has turned out.  I have to smile when I think about having four daughters.

I am grateful when I see my daughters interact and know that they are sisters for life.  That God ordained their sisterhood before they were even conceived.

So although you may be facing other trials other than infertility or adoption, trust and know that God is in the details.  Don't forget, the details include timing.  That's a tough one huh?!  God is never early, never late, always on time.  Honestly, God has not once been on the same time frame as me!  I think I am going to stop praying for patience... 

Be still and know that I am God.   Psalm 46:10

1 comment:

  1. This gave me chills. Such an awesome message, Miss Shannon! And so true!
