Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Good things.

Boy, I have those mornings when I wake up and watch out world.  I am mad and negative and my day hasn't even started yet.  Those are the days I don't want to face the tasks in front of me.

One thing I've learned over the years is negativity breeds negativity.  It sounds simple enough but it took me a long time to figure this out.  If I am complaining about my husband I will find flaws in him all day long.  I just heard something a few months ago that hit me like a ton of bricks.  When a certain child is bothering me and I am having negative feelings toward said child, that is the child that needs to be drawn close, even  if my instinct is to push her away.

It is necessary to bring our minds into submission.  Prayer is always helpful but so is looking for the "good things."

Here are my list of "good things" from today:

Bright blue skies and sunshine

Big sunglasses (They make even the worst hair look much better when worn on top of the head. Casually chic.  I never leave home without them!)
big_sunglasses.jpg image by thefray00
Kisses on the nose from my toddler

The sound of laughter at my breakfast table. (Helped me forget about the mess underneath my breakfast table)

Music (Never start cleaning the kitchen without some good tunes)

Close parking spaces (such a gift when maneuvering 4 children 2 of which are toddlers through a parking lot.)

Workout buddies

The smell of clean laundry.

There can be so much joy in everyday experiences.  We need to find it.

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