Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Sister Life


There are moments my daughters are completely annoyed with each other.  "Moooom, tell Aubrey to get out of our room."  "Mama Caroline is touching my stuff."  "Brynn is copying me, tell her to stop." I know little sisters can be annoying.  However, not my little sister.  Never.  Love you, Sarah.
Then there are those sweet moments that happen quite naturally.  Moments that aren't scripted or encouraged.  These moments give me hope. They make my heart go pitter patter and skip a beat.

 Brynn tying Caroline's shoes.

 All four girls walking hand in hand in the mall today.  I walked behind speechless.  Never mind    that they were totally blocking the aisle.  I was basking in the moment. If I only had my camera.

Anna helping Aubrey walk up the steps at church on Sunday.

Caroline making her sister's bed to surprise her.

Anna sitting Aubrey on her lap to ride her Flash Rider 360 because Aubs can't reach the pedals.  Last evening Anna went barreling down the driveway full speed ahead with Aubs on her lap. Slight heart attack...slight.( I included a visual for you.  Just in case you are not cool enough to know what a flash rider is. I have been enlightened.  I just learned on the twins' birthday.  Grandma Kneisley delivered.)

Razor Flash Rider 360 - Free Shipping
The twins take turns carrying Aubrey. She always seems to be too tired to walk.  (I have discussed with her that she will be starting pre school in a couple weeks and I assured her nobody will be carrying her just because she doesn't like to walk)  Yeah, I did it to her. Poor Aubrey.  She was little and slow and the fourth kid.  I was busy and in a hurry and it was just easier to put her on my hip and go. Guilty. I guess she will learn to walk more than 2 minutes at a time soon enough.  I refuse to carry her into her freshman dorm for college.

I digress.

There is a love exists and is unspoken.  It is rare.  And though they may not like each other many days.  They love each other. Forever.  It's the kind of love that speaks without saying  a word.  I got your back. You're not in this life alone. I am here for you always. I will help you.

It's also the message that Christ has for us--- His children.

I love that.  I have prayed for that relationship to develop between my daughters and I am watching it unfold right before my eyes. Slowly, quietly, unprompted.

I have that kind of relationship with my sisters. It's rare.  Once in a lifetime.  I have always desired  to facilitate it with my girls but I had no idea how. So, I have prayed.  God is answering my prayer. Day by day.  Slowly but surely.

I desire for my girls to be able to celebrate successes and feel each others' pain.
Rejoice with those who rejoice and mourn with those who mourn.  Romans 12:15
No competition.

Now, by no means am I claiming that I don't break up approximately 1228 fights per day.  Sometimes more. Anna still claims she wants to be an only child.  I don't believe her.
Gratitude for the sister life.
Enough for this mama today.

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